Naujienos ir renginiai

Renginiai ir skelbimai

2019. 12. 18 -

Saulėtekio puslaidininkių fizikos seminaras. DEIVIDAS SABONIS

Kviečiame į specialų Saulėtekio puslaidininkių fizikos seminarą:

Detection of Majorana zero modes in hybrid one-dimensional structures
Deividas Sabonis (Center for Quantum Devices & Microsoft Quantum Lab, Copenhagen, Denmark)

2019-12-18 11:00 / NFTMC D401, Saulėtekio 3

In popular literature topological quantum computing is always presented as a much better, more stable approach towards the protection of quantum state compared to more conventional methods to quantum computing. However, even then a well defined quantum state could be destroyed by physical processes that change a number of particles on the superconductor. Protection against such and other errors requires qubit manipulation and readout on a time scale shorter than the typical time scale of such destructive process. The talk is about hybrid one-dimensional structures as a potential future platform for topological quantum information processing.

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