The Center for Physical Sciences and Technology has specialized accredited departments for quality control and expert examination according to relevant ISO standards. At this moment we have 3 departments:
- Corrosion Research. The Accredited Corrosion Research Laboratory complies with the requirements of LST EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 and has been accredited since December 2007 to carry out corrosion tests of metals and their alloys, anodic and cathodic metallic coatings, conversion coatings, anodic oxide coatings and organic coatings on metallic materials in neutral salt spray artificial atmosphere according to LST EN ISO 9227:2017. Accreditation certificate Nr. LA.01.083 and scope of accreditation.
- Mass Spectrometry Research. Mass Spectrometry Laboratory offers a complete radiocarbon dating service for a range of materials such as sediments, wood, charcoal, bone, water foraminifera, and peat used in archaeology, geology, environmental andatmospheric studies. MSL is equipped with single stage accelerator mass spectrometer (SSAMS, NEC, USA) since January 2016. An accuracy of the measured 14C/12C ratio is better than 0.3 %. Mass spectrometry laboratory is equipped with isotope ratio mass spectrometers (IRMS).
- Studies of Textile Materials. Laboratory for Testing and Certification of Textiles carry out physical and chemical testing of textile materials, developing new testing methods for evaluation of functional properties of innovative textiles. The researchers of laboratory participate in scientific investigations related to development of electrically conductive textile fabrics, smart textiles, materials with enhanced thermoregulatory properties. Laboratory is accredited according LST EN ISO/IEC 17025 for physical and chemical testing of textile materials. Accreditation certificate No. LA.01.048. Laboratory also is acting as a Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – protective clothing, conformity assessment institution, accredited according LST EN ISO/IEC 17065, and is the Notified body which has identification number 1401 assigned by the Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry (European Commission). Accreditation certificate No.LA.011-03 and the scope of accreditation.
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