
Marius Čeponis mini-84735e4f996267b170e4544c8bde0a65.jpg
2024. 09. 28 -
M. Čeponis, who studies star formation in galaxies, becomes a PhD
Delving deeper into this topic is crucial to understanding how our environment, the Milky Way, formed.
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2024. 05. 17 -
FTMC at the Vilnius Space Days 2024
We presented our work and opportunities in this field to potential partners.
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2024. 05. 15 -
Laser for blood monitoring and the search for star clusters: young FTMC physicists have won Open Readings 2024
Engineer Aivaras Špokas and technician Erikas Cicėnas have been awarded for the best oral presentations.
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2023. 11. 16 -
FTMC participates in the international space technology exposition
Space Tech Expo Europe is the largest such event in Europe.

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