
Science & Technology Parks

FTMC is contributing with these science and technology parks:
  • Science and Technology Park of Physics Institute
    The goal of Park – funding companies, which are operating in applied science research and experimental development sectors, commercializing research results of science and education institutions, promoting integration of business, science and education in physical and technology science sector. This way park contributes to promoting export, increasing competitiveness of the country and creating economics based on knowledge. Park can perform the functions of incubator of technology business in his sectors – renting in favorable conditions the premises for incubated companies and providing services of business management, information, consulting, training, bookkeeping and other. Park participates in creation of science and research centers and open access infrastructure of scientific research and technological development. 
  • Laser & Engineering Technologies Cluster
    LITEK brings together companies and organizations operating in the laser and associated engineering technologies sectors.  Among members of LITEK we can find the biggest research institute of Lithuania with a strong background in laser technologies, also science and technology park, that coordinates cluster, various SMEs for optical and optomechanical components production, optical coatings, metal processing, 3D printing, prototyping, laser systems developing, installation of machining systems and etc. Overall goal of the cluster is to create a dynamic work center, which increases the laser and associated engineering technologies sector’s international competitiveness, knowledge of individual members and material wealth.
  • Park of Science and Technology
    Created by Semiconductor Physics Institute in cooperation with Ministry of Education and Science and Vilnius University in 1993. Activities assigned to the Park: creation and installation of new technologies and products, inventive patent activity, commercialization of research results conducted by science institutions, strengthening of links between science institutions and business companies and incubation of technological business. Single complex of cooperation services and infrastructure is obligatory for completion of these goals. This complex includes business incubation, experimental production, channels of marketing, social communication, raising of venture capital and international networking of technological business. High-tech companies are operating successfully in park’s facilities, as “Teravil” Ltd. (accepted as fastest growing company of laser equipment in 2010), “Elteros projektai” Ltd. (Manufacturer of electronic systems), “DIZI” Ltd. (application of digital formats for 3D objects), Rėksnio IĮ (manufacturing of laser optical elements), „LEXITA“ Ltd. (IT solutions).