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Ifra Bibi, duration of the studies 2024.10.01–2028.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Tadas Paulauskas Theme: Spin-based defects in semiconductors and their application in quantum technologies |
Zahid Nawaz, duration of the studies 2024.10.01–2028.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Nerija Žurauskienė Theme: Investigation of linear magnetoresistance in two-dimensional (2D) films and nanostructures |
Gabrielė Rankelytė, duration of the studies 2024.10.01–2028.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Jevgenij Chmeliov Theme: Molecular structure–function relation in photosynthetic light-harvesting complexes |
Saqlain Tariq Sahi, duration of the studies 2024.10.01–2028.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Gediminas Račiukaitis Theme: Modelling and investigation of gas plasma targets for Laser Wakefield Acceleration |
Stanislau Savitski, duration of the studies 2024.10.01–2028.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Sergejus Orlovas Theme: Design and characterization of structured light and it‘s applications in photonics |
Linas Šmigelskas, duration of the studies 2024.10.01–2028.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Vladas Vansevičius Theme: Mass function of star clusters in the Local Group galaxies |
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Antonovič Dariuš, duration of the studies 2023.10.01–2027.09.30 Scientific supervisor – habil. dr. Nerija Žurauskienė Theme: Formation of ferromagnetic nanostructures and investigation of their magnetic properties for magnetoresistive sensors applications |
Bielevičiūtė Augustė, duration of the studies 2023.10.01–2027.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Linas Minkevičius Theme: THz imaging system based on advanced optical beam-forming methods |
Galvanauskas Karolis, duration of the studies 2023.10.01–2027.09.30 Scientific supervisor – prof., dr. Gintaras Valušis Theme: Semiconductor Super-superlattices as Terahertz amplifiers |
Habib Durre Nayab, duration of the studies 2023.10.01–2027.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Agnė Mašalaitė-Nalivaikė Theme: Isotopic ratios of aerosols for air pollution observation and its assessment as source indicators |
Laužikas Martynas, duration of the studies 2023.10.01–2027.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Kastytis Zubovas Theme: Analysis of the impact of active galaxy outflows on star formation |
Lukošiūnas Julius, duration of the studies 2023.10.01–2027.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Andrejus Michailovas Theme: Research of middle infrared spectral range ultrashort pulse lasers and their application for nonlinear wavelength conversion |
Žemgulytė Justina, duration of the studies 2023.10.01–2027.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Paulius Ragulis Theme: Investigation and analysis of energy harvesting from wireless communication networks in microwave frequency range |
Driukas Simonas, duration of the studies 2023.10.01–2027.09.30 Scientific supervisor – prof., dr. Gintaras Valušis Theme: Photonic-electronic hybrid integration for terahertz and infrared sensing systems |
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Daugevičius Karolis, duration of the studies 2022.10.01–2026.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Rima Stonkutė Theme: Structure of star cluster system of the Triangulum galaxy |
Krapivin Ihor, duration of the studies 2022.10.01–2026.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Ramūnas Adomavičius Theme: Spectroscopy and applications of gasoeus materials in the terahertz range |
Minderytė Agnė, duration of the studies 2022.10.01–2026.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Steigvilė Byčenkienė Theme: Assesment of personal exposure to black carbon and ultrafine particle levels in urban environment |
Halimski Ivan, duration of the studies 2022.10.01–2026.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Jevgenij Chmeliov Theme: Optically robust upconverting nanoparticles for biomedical applications |
Mikalauskienė Kristina, duration of the studies 2022.10.01–2026.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Rita Plukienė Theme: Nuclide vector optimization applying non-destructive in-situ gamma spectrometric method |
Piatrou Pavel, duration of the studies 2022.10.01–2026.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Voitech Stankevič Theme: Investigation of electromagnetic processes during magnetic pulse forming and welding |
Daraei Mohammad Esmaeil, duration of the studies 2022.11.01–2026.10.31 Scientific supervisor – dr. Ignas Nevinskas Theme: Terahertz emission from semiconductors excited with surface plasmons |
Moscotin Maxim, studijų pradžia duration of the studies 2022.11.01–2026.10.31 Scientific supervisor – dr. Irmantas Kašalynas Theme: Graphene plasmonics for terahertz optoelectronics |
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Burokas Raimundas, duration of the studies 2021.10.01–2025.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Andrejus Michailovas Theme: Research of nonlinear wavelength converters synchronously pumped by GHz bursts of ultrafast pulses |
Jurkšaitis Povilas, duration of the studies 2021.10.01–2025.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Zigmas Balevičius Theme: Study of strong coupling regime between plasmon and exciton of labelled antibody by spectroscopic ellipsometry |
Kazakevičius Aivaras, duration of the studies 2021.10.01–2025.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Andrejus Michailovas Theme: Ultrashort pulse multiplication, amplification and combining by means of coherent and noncoherent techniques |
Abdullah Khan, duration of the studies 2021.10.01–2025.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Steigvilė Byčenkienė Theme: Research of personal exposure to black carbon using different intra-urban transport modes |
Kriščiūnas Eimantas, duration of the studies 2021.10.01–2025.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Vladas Vansevičius Theme: Evolution of star clusters in the disk of the Andromeda gala |
Muhammad Mujahid, duration of the studies 2021.10.01–2025.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Steponas Ašmontas Theme: Triple cation perovskite layer fabrication and investigation of their optoelectronic properties for tandem solar cells |
Padrez Yaraslau, duration of the studies 2021.10.01–2025.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Renata Karpič Theme: Novel upconverting 2D material-based quantum dots for super-resolution optical bio-imaging |
Zelioli Andrea, duration of the studies 2021.10.01–2025.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Renata Butkutė Theme: Growth and investigation of A3B5 quantum structures for VECSELs |
Abdelrazik Lamiaa, duration of the studies 2021.10.01–2025.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Marius Franckevičius Theme: Improving the charge transport in blue perovskite light-emitting diodes |
Zharchenko Ihor, duration of the studies 2021.10.01–2025.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Jonas Gradauskas Theme: Direct impact of hot carriers in photovoltaics |
Stakėla Lukas, duration of the studies 2021.10.01–2025.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Kirill Alexeev Theme: Terahercinė kvantinė optoelektronika puslaidininkinėse supergardelėse |
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Adomavičius Karolis, duration of the studies 2020.10.01–2025.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Egidijus Auksorius Theme: Development of super-resolution optical coherence microscopy and its application to biomedical imaging |
Butkus Laurynas, duration of the studies 2020.10.01–2025.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Artūras Plukis Theme: Development of optical and mass spectrometric methods for isotopic analysis in environmental research |
Jonynaitė Kamilė, duration of the studies 2020.10.01–2025.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Arūnas Stirkė Theme: Bioelectrics in algal cells |
Koliada Mykola, duration of the studies 2020.10.01–2025.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Nerija Žurauskienė Theme: Investigation of magnetoresistive properties of fexible lanthanium perovskites structures |
Petrauskas Kazimieras, duration of the studies 2020.10.01–2025.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Steponas Ašmontas Theme: Development and investigation of perovskites layers and structures for photovoltaics |
Vitulskienė Ernesta, duration of the studies 2020.10.01–2029.03.31 Scientific supervisor – dr. Arūnas Stirkė Theme: Investigation of receptor ligand interaction on the cell surface |
Silkinis Rokas, duration of the studies 2020.10.01–2025.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Lukas Razinkovas Theme: Development of the ab-initio theory of nonradiative carrier capture |
Žalandauskas Vytautas, duration of the studies 2020.10.01–2025.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Lukas Razinkovas Theme: Optical lineshapes of point defects in polar semiconductors from ab-initio calculations |
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Anastasija Aleksandrovič, duration of the studies 2024.10.01–2028.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Aušra Valiūnienė Theme: Design and application of tethered phospholipid bilayers for reusable biosensors |
Paulius Baronas, duration of the studies 2024.10.01–2028.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Inga Morkvėnaitė-Vilkončienė Theme: Resistance of metal structures in extreme environmental conditions |
Usman Hayder, duration of the studies 2024.10.01–2028.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Loreta Tamašauskaitė-Tamašiūnaitė Theme: Novel materials for metal-air batteries: synthesis, characterization and properties |
Muhammad Naeem Hafiz, duration of the studies 2024.10.01–2028.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Ramūnas Levinas Theme: Synthesis and characterization of heterogeneous electrocatalytic systems |
Kamilė Kasperavičiūtė, duration of the studies 2024.10.01–2028.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Wanessa de Melo Theme: Development of new microphysiological systems for biofilm investigation |
Felix Lücke, duration of the studies 2024.10.01–2028.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Vilma Ratautaitė Theme: Electrochemical sensor modification for improved selectivity |
Junaid Munawar, duration of the studies 2024.10.01–2028.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Rokas Žalnėravičius Theme: Investigation of the capabilities of biofilms detection by wireless, SERS and electrochemical modes |
Aswathi Raveendran, duration of the studies 2024.10.01–2028.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Simonas Ramanavičius Theme: Formation of titanium oxide TixO2-x nanostructures for application in green technologies |
Saqib Ali, duration of the studies 2024.10.01–2028.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Simonas Ramanavičius Theme: Synthesis of 2D MXenes, investigation of properties and search for applications in sensors |
Mohd Sajid, duration of the studies 2024.10.01–2028.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Simonas Ramanavičius Theme: Synthesis of 2D MXenes, investigation of properties and application in clean technologies |
Hamza Shehroz, duration of the studies 2024.10.01–2028.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Aldona Balčiūnaitė Theme: Prospective catalysts for methanol fuel cells |
Raiane Rodrigues da Silva, duration of the studies 2024.10.01–2028.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Wanessa de Melo Theme: Effects of pulsed electric field on intramolecular interactions and colloidal properties of food proteins |
Raminta Šakickaitė, duration of the studies 2024.10.01–2028.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Zita Sukackienė Theme: Application of electrolessly deposited cobalt and its alloy coatings for sustainable energy conversion |
Kamila Turuta, duration of the studies 2024.10.01–2028.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Jurga Juodkazytė Theme: Development of technologies for artificial photosynthesis |
Mantvydas Usvaltas, duration of the studies 2024.10.01–2028.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Ieva Plikusienė Theme: Development of sensitive and selective optical bioanalytical systems |
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Abouhagger Adei, duration of the studies 2023.10.01–2027.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Wanessa De Cassia Martins Antunes De Melo Theme: Development of new photoactive nanomaterials |
Boguševičė Agnė, duration of the studies 2023.10.01–2027.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Inga Morkvėnaitė Vilkončienė Theme: Application of conductive polymers for biofuel cells |
Gasiulytė Kotryna, duration of the studies 2023.10.01–2027.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Rasa Pauliukaitė Theme: Development of electrochemical sensors for veterinary medicine |
Khalid Muhammad Usman, duration of the studies 2023.10.01–2027.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Wanessa De Cassia Martins Antunes De Melo Theme: Development of metal-oxide-based nanomaterial with integrated 3D printing for biomedical applications |
Navitski Ilya, duration of the studies 2023.10.01–2027.09.30 Scientific supervisor – habil. dr. Arūnas Ramanavičius Theme: Development of immunosensors for determination of antibodies |
Nawaz Shahid, duration of the studies 2023.10.01–2027.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Aldona Balčiūnaitė Theme: Ecological, sustainable and promising 3D catalysts for renewable energy |
Paškevičius Tomas, duration of the studies 2023.10.01–2027.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Linas Labanauskas Theme: Synthesis and optimization of new phosphine ligands for palladium catalysed reactions |
Stonytė Justina, duration of the studies 2023.10.01–2027.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Rasa Pauliukaitė Theme: Development and application of conducting substrates for electrochemical sensors |
Tahir Tayyab, duration of the studies 2023.10.01–2027.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Rūta Druteikienė Theme: Investigation of sorption properties of biological waste and their application to industrial and environmental water treatment |
Raišytė Simona, duration of the studies 2023.10.01–2027.09.30 Scientific supervisor – habil. dr. Arūnas Ramanavičius Theme: Development of Enzymatic Sensors and Biofuel cells |
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Pleskytė Sonata, duration of the studies 2022.10.01–2026.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Steigvilė Byčenkienė Theme: The photodegradation processes and mechanisms of microplastic particles by metal-oxidebased nanocomposites |
Kasputė Greta, duration of the studies 2022.10.01–2026.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Urtė Samukaitė-Bubnienė Theme: The study of drug delivery systems by electrochemical methods |
Reinikovaitė Viktorija, duration of the studies 2022.10.01–2026.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Arūnas Stirkė Theme: Electrochemical detection of fluorescent-conjugated antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 variations based on micro-/nano-structured electrode |
Nemaniutė Paulina, duration of the studies 2022.10.01–2026.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Linas Vilčiauskas Theme: Influence of polymerization kinetics on polyurethane degradation and viscometric properties |
Sirgėdaitė Gytautė, duration of the studies 2022.10.01–2026.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Lina Mikoliūnaitė Theme: Application of Hybrid Plasmonic Nanostructures for Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy |
Ulevičienė Virginija, duration of the studies 2022.10.01–2026.09.30 |
Mahrosh Javed, duration of the studies 2022.10.01–2026.09.30 |
Enayat Mohsenzadeh, duration of the studies 2022.10.01–2026.09.30 |
Huma Amber, duration of the studies 2022.10.01–2026.09.30 |
Viachaslau Alifirenka, duration of the studies 2022.10.01–2026.09.30 |
Tripura Ganti, duration of the studies 2022.10.01–2026.09.30 |
Valeckytė Gitana, duration of the studies 2022.10.01–2026.09.30 |
Rivera Rivera Pamela, duration of the studies 2022.10.01–2026.09.30 |
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Sukomol Barua, duration of the studies 2021.10.01–2025.09.30 |
Tartėnė Greta, duration of the studies 2021.10.01–2025.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Arūnas Stirkė Theme: An investigation of the pulsed electric field induced osmotic stress on yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells |
Mockaitis Tomas, duration of the studies 2021.10.01–2025.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Inga Morkvėnaitė-Vilkončienė Theme: Scanning electrochemical microscopy as a tool for the investigation of the electroporation in living cells |
Pilvenytė Greta, duration of the studies 2021.10.01–2025.09.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Arūnas Ramanavičius Theme: Conducting polymers for sensor design |
Striška Laisvidas, duration of the studies 2021.11.01–2025.10.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Inga Morkvėnaitė-Vilkončienė Theme: Elektrinių impulsinių laukų įtaka gyvų ląstelių mechaninėms savybėms |
Vainauskas Deividas, duration of the studies 2021.11.01–2025.10.30 Scientific supervisor – dr. Rokas Kondrotas Theme: Chalkogenidinių plonasluoksnių saulės elementų sintezė ir tyrimas |
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Neringa Bakutė, duration of the studies 2020.11.01–2025.10.31 |
Abdelkader Mohamed, duration of the studies 2020.10.01–2025.08.31 |
Kižys Kasparas, duration of the studies 2020.10.01–2025.09.30 |
Zambžickaitė Greta, duration of the studies 2020.10.01–2025.04.30 |
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Mickevičienė Žana, duration of the studies 2019.12.01–2025.11.30
Scientific supervisor – dr. Loreta Tamašauskaitė-Tamašiūnaitė
Theme: Novel materials for low-temperature fuel cells
Preikša Jokūbas, duration of the studies 2019.11.01–2025.10.31
Scientific supervisor – dr. Visvaldas Kairys
Theme: Analysis of protein-ligand recognition reactions by computational chemistry methods
Bilal Islam, duration of the studies 2024.10.01–2028.09.30 |
Lucciano Antonio Letelier Carreño, duration of the studies 2024.10.01–2028.09.30 |
Zeenat Fatima Iqbal, duration of the studies 2024.10.01–2028.09.30 |
Rodrigas Liudvinavičius, duration of the studies 2024.10.01–2028.09.30 |
Ignas Pikas, duration of the studies 2024.10.01–2028.09.30 |
Benas Stanionis, duration of the studies 2024.10.01–2028.09.30 |
Arnas Vyšniauskas, duration of the studies 2024.10.01–2028.09.30 |
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Nikitina Julianija, duration of the studies 2023.10.01–2027.09.30 |
Stravinskas Karolis, duration of the studies 2023.10.01–2027.09.30 |
Balkauskas Dainius, duration of the studies 2023.10.01–2027.09.30 |
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Astrauskytė Darija, duration of the studies 2022.10.01–2026.09.30 |
Jelinskas Tadas, duration of the studies 2022.10.01–2026.09.30 |
Petrikaitė Vita, duration of the studies 2022.10.01–2026.09.30 |
Vilkevičius Kernius, duration of the studies 2022.10.01–2026.09.30 |
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Bitinaitis Ignas, duration of the studies 2021.10.01–2025.09.30 |
Drazdys Mantas, duration of the studies 2021.10.01–2025.09.30 |
Mackevičiūtė Miglė, duration of the studies 2021.10.01–2025.09.30 |
Sadauskas Modestas, duration of the studies 2021.10.01–2025.09.30 |
Zubauskas Laimis, duration of the studies 2021.10.01–2025.09.30 |