• Nekoreguojami


2018. 12. 07

Sauletekis Semiconductor Physics Seminars. Dmitry Lyubchenko

Sauletekis Semiconductor Physics Seminars

Passive and active devices on dielectric rod waveguides for THz application
Dmitry Lyubchenko
(Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)

Dielectric rod waveguides are a perspective platform for future THz electronics. In this talk an integration of THz power source with dielectric waveguides as well as with other components such as phase shifters, directional couplers, amplifiers, with employing novel micromachining technology will be discussed. Novel nanomaterials and thier applications to the THz tunable devices will also be presented. Moderator: PhD student K. Ikamas (VU FF)

December 13, 2018  4 PM @ NFTMC D401, Saulėtekio av. 3, Vilnius