News & Events


2018. 11. 14

4 days of scientific journey a science enthusiast cannot miss!

Open Readings is an international academic platform for students and young researchers from all over the world to present their ongoing research results and practices in the fields of Physics and Natural Sciences.
62nd International Scientific Conference for Students of Physics and Natural Sciences "Open Readings 2019" gathers people to discuss, learn, exchange and share their scientific experience, meet key experts and enjoy exciting programme. The conference will include lectures of well-known, leading and accomplished scientists, presentations of students’ research. "Open Readings 2019" gives an opportunity for BSc, MSc and PhD students, who are doing their scientific research, to present it to a larger audience, get constructive criticism and useful advice.
Prospective authors are encouraged to participate by submitting their abstracts online. Participation is free of charge.
Important dates:
Conference will take place on 19-22nd of March, 2019.
Abstract submission deadline – 1st of February, 2019.
Invited speakers:
  • Saulius Juodkazis, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
  • Nick Goldman, EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute, UK
  • Jocelyn Bell Burnell, Visiting Professor of Astrophysics at the University of Oxford, Fellow of Mansfield College, UK
  • Karl Anker Jørgensen, Aarhus University, Denmark
  • Fedor Jelezko, Ulm University, Germany
  • Ifor David William Samuel, University of St Andrews, UK
  • Kishan Dholakia, University of St Andrews, UK

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