We kindly invite you to take part in the international workshop "Laser particle accelerators, their applications and possibilities of experiments in the ELI infrastructure".
The event will bring together researchers and laser specialists from the Czech Republic, Romania, United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, and Lithuania to share their insights and engage in discussions.
Workshop scheduled: April 24th 9:00-16:00 and April 25th 9:00-14:00
Venue: Saulėtekio av. 3, Vilnius, NFTMC, A101 hall
You will:
-Learn more about high power lasers & applications in various fields: research, industry, astrophysics, medical;
-Know more about Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) & user call;
-Make connections with professionals in the field;
-Share your insides & experience.
The Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) is an international laboratory system that uses high-power, ultra-short pulsed lasers. Lithuania is one of the founding members of the ELI and is making a significant contribution to this important initiative with its own lasers and expertise.
Confirmed speakers:
Confirmed speakers:
- ELI user science opportunities: open access and mission-based calls. Daniele Margarone, ELI Beamlines, Director of Research and Operations, Dolní Břežany, Czech Republic.
- Current ELI-NP experimental and simulation activities on 1PW and 10PW lines: from high brightness electron beams to optimization for secondary sources generation. Paolo Tomassini, ELI Nuclear Physics, Magurele, Romania.
- Towards QED vacuum boiling with high-power laser light. Sergey Bulanov, ELI Beamlines, DolníBřežany, Czech Republic.
- Sources of Ultrafast Broadband X-ray Driven by High-Power Lasers for Multidisciplinary Applications. Uddhab Chaulaugain, ELI Beamlines, DolníBřežany, Czech Republic.
- Generating high energy ion beams using ultra-intense laser. Nicholas Dover, Imperial College London, UK.
- Automated Bayesian Optimisation in Laser Plasma Acceleration.Christoph Eberle, University of Munich, Germany.
- A Unique Gas Target Setup for Nuclear Astrophysics. Anup Yadav, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), Germany.
- Experience working at ELI under User Calls, TBD. Vidmantas Tomkus, Department of Laser Technologies, FTMC, Vilnius, Lithuania.
- The need of ELI in proton and neutron therapy applications, TBD. Mantas Grigalavičius, VU Laser Research Center, Vilnius, Lithuania.
- OPCPA: Latest advances in high-power facilities and research highlights. Rimantas Budriūnas, Light Conversion / VU Laser Research Center, Vilnius, Lithuania.
- Advancing Radiotherapy with Laser-Plasma Accelerators. Olle Lundh, Lund Laser Center, Sweeden.
- Focused very high energy electron and gamma ray beams for radiotherapy. Dino Jaroszynski, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
A more detailed programme and the final list of speakers will be announced shortly.
The event is free of charge.
REGISTRATION REQUIRED: https://forms.gle/rcMbdYxvBv1mGfyu6