Starting tomorrow, on 20-21 March at A101 hall (Saulėtekio al. 3, Vilnius) we will host one of the most important events of our Center - the FTMC Annual Scientific Conference!
The conference will be held in Lithuanian.
The 15th conference will feature not only oral presentations selected by each scienfitic division, but also poster presentations. We will be able to share scientific information and discuss the need and opportunities for cooperation.
Several internal and external invited presentations will also be given, and the conference will traditionally conclude with the annual report of the FTMC Director.
Please participate actively in the poster session on 20 March from 17:00.
Information for those who will be presenting posters: please put them up on Thursday morning and take them down after the conference on 21 March. The posters will not be numbered, but will be marked with the spaces for the chapters.