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2025. 03. 04 -

A Milestone for Future Innovations: Lithuanian Quantum Technologies Agenda Presented for the First Time

An image from the Lithuanian Quantum Technologies Agenda
The official presentation of the Lithuanian Quantum Technologies Agenda, which took place on February 28th, at the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, brought together 100+ attendees from science, business, and policy sectors. This is the first time in the country's history that a strategic document of this kind has been presented.
According to Quantum Lithuania, the Lithuanian Quantum Technologies Association, the event marked a significant step towards shaping Lithuania's strategy for quantum technologies and its ambitious goals for the future in this field.
The document present in an attractive and illustrative way the potential and need for quantum technologies (QT), global trends in QT development, Lithuania's situation and opportunities in this field, recommendations and action plan for the development of Lithuania's QT ecosystem, the importance of QT for national security, and other relevant topics.
The Agenda can be downloaded from the Quantum Lithuania website by clicking on the links below:
The document was drafted by a working group of more than 30 people, including experts from scientific institutes, universities, ministries, businesses and government organisations.
(Security and QT. An image from the Lithuanian Quantum Technologies Agenda. Source: Krelina, M. (2021))
"As the director of Quantum Lithuania, I’m proud to see how government initiatives can catalyze collaboration and accelerate processes. Bringing the community together has been key here - a proof that teamwork drives real impact," says Dr Tadas Paulauskas, Director of Quantum Lithuania and a researcher in the FTMC Department of Optoelectronics, when introducing the Agenda on LinkedIn.
"The Lithuanian Quantum Technologies Agenda is just the beginning. Moving forward strategically and decisively will allow Lithuania to establish itself as a regional hub for quantum technologies," emphasises Gytis Umantas, President of Quantum Lithuania and CEO of "Novian Technologies", a Lituanian IT company.
The Lithuanian Quantum Technologies Association was established in 2023 on the initiative of three founding institutions - Vilnius University (Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics together with the Faculty of Physics), Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (Departments of Optoelectronics, Laser Technologies, and Fundamental Research), and the IT company "Novian Technologies".
Currently, the full members of the Association are the above-mentioned VU, FTMC, and "Novian Technologies", together with Kaunas University of Technology. The high-tech company "Integrated Optics" is an associate member.
(FTMC physicist Dr Mažena Mackoit-Sinkevičienė hosts the Lithuanian Quantum Technology Agenda presentation event. Photo: Domas Jokubauskis /
The main objectives of the Association are to pool the competences and resources of Lithuania's companies and research institutions for the development of quantum technologies in the country and to strengthen its international competitiveness. The Association aims to create conditions for the development of new companies that apply quantum technology solutions in their activities. It also aims to raise public awareness of quantum technologies and their impact on social well-being, national and economic security.
Info: Quantum Lithuania and FTMC
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