News & Events


2025. 02. 25 -

Seminar "Light Trapping in Non-Hermitian Thin Films"

Prof. Dr habil. Kęstutis Staliūnas (Plankas). Photo from personal archive
On Tuesday 25 February, at 14:00 the seminar will take place at the LITEK conference room (2nd floor), Savanorių pr. 235 (Vilnius).
Speaker: Prof. Dr habil. Kęstutis Staliūnas (Plankas) from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), Spain.
Topic: "Light Trapping in Non-Hermitian Thin Films".
"During the seminar I will talk about the miraculous thin films where, popularly speaking, Newton's third law no longer works. Scientifically speaking, these are non-hermitian systems. Light can get into these films, but it cannot get out. It is ideal for light absorption. I came up with these non-hermitian films - we counted them, they made - we measured them. And they certainly absorb light better than conventional (ermitic) films," says K. Plankas.
The seminar will be held in Lithuanian (with English slides).

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