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2025. 01. 03 -

FTMC visits IKZ, one of Europe's strongest crystal growth centers

Dr M. Misevičius, Head of the FTMC Crystal Growth Laboratory, Prof. Dr R. Skaudžius, Director of FTMC, Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Bickermann, IKZ Deputy Director, and Dr. H. Tanaka, Head of the IKZ Junior Research Group. Photo: FTMC
The FTMC representatives visited the Leibniz Institute for Crystal Growth (Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung, IKZ) in Berlin. The aim of the meeting was to establish new contacts, to get acquainted with the advanced infrastructure available at IKZ and to start discussions on possible future collaborations.
The meeting was attended by the Director of FTMC Prof. Dr Ramūnas Skaudžius, the Head of the FTMC Crystal Growth Laboratory Dr Martynas Misevičius, the Director of the IKZ and the heads of several departments. The foreign partners presented the Institute's activities, shared their experience and best practices.
IKZ is one of the most important centers in Europe specialising in single crystal growth. These crystals are used in electronics, laser development, optical lenses and prisms. Others, such as diamonds and sapphires, are valued as gemstones.
Lithuania is only taking its first steps in this field (single crystals are still purchased from abroad), but we have big ambitions: in March 2023, the aforementioned Crystal Growth Laboratory has been established at the FTMC. The plan is to have special furnaces for the creation of such structures.
It is therefore hoped that this visit will provide a strong basis for future cooperation and contribute to the development of advanced technologies.
"This was an introductory meeting to discuss potential cooperation opportunities and learn best practices. We look forward to a successful bilateral cooperation.

In Europe, there is a return to the realisation that we must not only buy single crystals, but also grow them ourselves and use them in science. In this regard, we are actively seeking and expecting funding from the European Union and Lithuania," says Dr Misevičius.
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