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2024. 12. 05 -

Lithuanian Semiconductor Competence Centre project receives Top EU evaluation score

Lithuania is taking a significant step towards a high-tech future. The European Commission has awarded a near-maximum score (14.9 out of 15 possible points) to the project "ChipsC2-LT," setting the basis for establishing the Lithuanian Semiconductor Competence Centre.
This new centre will be a one-stop shop for helping businesses, start-ups, and research institutions develop and deploy advanced semiconductor technologies.
The ChipsC2-LT project directly responds to the European Chips Act initiative. "ChipsC2-LT is an important part of the European semiconductor ecosystem, contributing to the EU's goal of strengthening technological self-sufficiency in this strategic area, and an initiative that should bring together the semiconductor and electronics ecosystem in Lithuania," emphasises the project's co-ordinator, Dr. Gediminas Račiukaitis, Head of the Department of Laser Technologies at the Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC).
The FTMC coordinates the project in cooperation with three of Lithuania's highest-ranking universities: Vilnius University (VU), Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VILNIUS TECH), and Kaunas University of Technology (KTU). It is worth €4 million, of which €2 million is provided by the EU and the rest by the Government of Lithuania.
(Photo: Hernandez & Sorokina / FTMC)
"Nowadays, semiconductors are everywhere - from smartphones to electric cars. Lithuanian companies are already successfully developing electronic components for the automotive industry, laser control systems and telecommunications equipment. By creating a competence centre, we will help these and new companies to reach a higher level of technology," says Prof. Dr. Ramūnas Aleksiejūnas, Director of the VU Institute of Photonics and Nanotechnology.
"The creation of the centre will start with an inventory of the existing infrastructure and competencies," explains Dr. Saulius Tumėnas, Head of the Semiconductor Optics Laboratory at the Department of Optoelectronics at FTMC, who will become the Head of the ChipsC2-LT Competence Centre. - We will combine the technologies and knowledge of all partners into a single system to efficiently provide integrated services to business."
A wide range of services will be provided to businesses and research institutions:
  • Access to a European semiconductor design platform and state-of-the-art production lines;
  • Access to expensive design software;
  • Technology testing and prototyping services;
  • Training and development programmes for professionals;
  • Advice on financing options and attracting investment;
  • Help finding partners in Europe.

(Photo: Hernandez & Sorokina / FTMC)
The centre will specialise in chip design, power electronics, heterogeneous integration and photonic integrated circuits. "This project responds to the rapidly growing global demand for semiconductors. Particularly promising areas are electronics for electric vehicles, industrial automation systems and telecommunications equipment," says Prof. Dr. Vaidotas Barzdėnas, Head of the Computer Science and Communication Technologies Department at VILNIUS TECH.
Over the four years of the project's implementation, the following is planned:
  • Train more than 100 professionals in semiconductors;
  • Create 20 new PhD places;
  • Support 50 companies in introducing new technologies;
  • Attract €50 million of additional investment in the sector;
  • Help set up 10 new technology start-ups.
"The establishment of the Competence Centre is a strategic step in strengthening Lithuania's competitiveness in the field of high technologies," marks Dr. Mindaugas Žilys, Associate Dean of the KTU Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
(Photo: Hernandez & Sorokina / FTMC)
"ChipsC2-LT will actively cooperate with the European Network of Chips Competence Centres (ENCCC), providing Lithuanian companies access to the most advanced European production lines and design platforms. "Participation in ENCCC will allow us to share knowledge and resources with the strongest European centres and will open doors to international supply chains for our business," says Dr. S. Tumėnas.
According to the FTMC scientist, start-ups and research institutions wanting to use the new centre services will be able to apply through a unified platform specially designed for this purpose: "The process will be simple and clear - the organisation will fill in an online application, indicating its needs and our experts will propose the most appropriate solution."
The project implementers stress that ChipsC2-LT will create new technologies and help attract foreign investment, create highly skilled jobs, and strengthen Lithuania's image as a high-tech country.
Source: FTMC
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