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2024. 11. 05 -

Dr. A. Michailovas, laser scientist at FTMC and EKSPLA, is one of the world's top 100 photonics leaders!

Dr. Andrejus Michailovas. Photo: EKSPLA
For the third year, Electro Optics magazine has ranked the world's top 100 photonics leaders. According to Ekspla, among scientists, inventors, industry representatives and start-ups from the USA, Germany, India, South Africa and other countries, there is only one nominee from Lithuania.
Dr. Andrejus Michailovas, Head of Research at EKSPLA and a scientist at the FTMC's Laser Technology Department, was included in the Photonics 100 list of 2025 for his academic achievements, numerous patented inventions and successful international projects.
Congratulations to our colleague!
According to Electro Optics, the Lithuanian was recognised as as ‘the representative of a small company making a big splash from Lithuania, an outpost in the fast-moving, competitive and sometimes ruthless world of deep tech.’
"The main target of our activities focuses on two fields: the first is foreseeing which technologies will be in demand from the market in the future and to develop our work accordingly, another is to make quick and efficient responses to client requests to solve their problems and needs," A. Michailovas tells the magazine.
As stressed on Ekspla's LinkedIn account, Andrejus is a co-author of 23 inventions. Over the last couple of years, he has also taken part in several international projects with partners. Just this summer, EKSPLA finished a project devoted to early-stage diagnostics of female breast cancer.
However, to quote Andrejus, the proudest moment in his career remains mentoring PhD students for decades, both under EKSPLA and at the Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC). His mentorship approach fosters independence and creativity among his students, leading to groundbreaking innovations such as the EKSPLA-patented FemtoLux 30 femtosecond industrial laser, which won the Prism Award in 2024.
A. Michailovas is also nominated for the 2024 Lithuanian Science Prize, together with colleagues from Vilnius University and Light Conversion and Ekspla.
Information from Ekspla, Electro Optics and FTMC
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