
2024. 09. 24 -

J. Jorudas defends his PhD thesis on materials for telecommunication sensors

Dr. Justinas Jorudas. Photo: FTMC
Justinas Jorudas, a physicist at the FTMC Department of Optoelectronics, becomes a PhD in natural sciences! Today he defended his thesis "Optical and Electrical Investigation of GaN-based HEMT and Graphene Structures for Applications in THz Detection" (academic supervisor: Dr. Irmantas Kašalynas).
Congratulations to our young colleague, we wish you all the best!
"My thesis is about studying the physical properties of two types of materials - gallium nitride structures and graphene. I was also looking into the development of technological processes for the transfer, cleaning and patterning of graphene to obtain high quality graphene on gallium nitride structures.
The integration of graphene with gallium nitride structures is aimed at improving sensors in the terahertz range," says Justinas.
It is hoped that such next-generation sensors will be used in the future in the telecommunication industry (for stronger mobile communications, faster internet, etc.). The development of new materials and manufacturing processes is therefore important, the physicist explains.
(Dr. Justinas Jorudas. Photo: FTMC)
"My thesis work has contributed to the next-generation of research on gallium nitride-based heterostructures, including the development of a new process for cleaning and patterning graphene, which is currently patented.
The most satisfying part of my PhD was that most of the work was carried out in collaboration with international and local partners. Internships in Finland (University of Eastern Finland UEF) and Poland (UNIPRESS Institute for High Pressure Physics) were also very rewarding," says J. Jorudas.
Read more about FTMC scientists' innovation - an eco-friendly way to clean graphene.
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