• Nekoreguojami


2024. 09. 01 -

Greetings from the Director of the FTMC on the occasion of the Knowledge Day

Dr. Vidmantas Jašinskas, researcher at the Department of Molecular Compound Physics of the FTMC, at the pump-probe. Photo: Hernandez & Sorokina / FTMC
On the occasion of the Knowledge Day and the beginning of the new academic year, the Director of the FTMC, Prof. Dr. Ramūnas Skaudžius, congratulates our colleagues and the whole scientific community:
"On the Knowledge Day, I would like to draw attention to the fact that behind every scientific achievement and discovery there is a human being - a creator, a seeker, a thinker. Knowledge is not only a tool for our work, it is a force that changes the world.
As Albert Einstein said: 'Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world.' Today, I would like to remind that each of us is not only a bearer of knowledge, but also a creator who shapes the world with our ideas and our work.
It is not only what we know, but also how we channel that knowledge. Every effort you make has value, and it is your personal initiative that transforms knowledge into new possibilities.
Let this day be a reminder that the real value is in the everyday work. Not just today, but every day, let us create, improve and discover new solutions. I wish success, inspiration and meaningful work to all!"