Birželio 25 d. (antradienį), 15:00 val., D401 auditorijoje (Saulėtekio al. 3, Vilnius) vyks moksliniai seminarai, kuriuos ves dalelių fizikai, Karalienės universiteto (Kanada) mokslininkai prof. Josephas Bramante ir dr. Ingrida Semenec.
Maloniai kviečiame dalyvauti!
Pranešimų santraukos:
Prof. J. Bramante paskaita „Dark Matter at High and Low Mass Scales“:
„There are a wide range of possibilities for what dark matter could be. A number of theories predict that dark matter is a very massive particle or composite state. I will survey recent developments, including composite dark matter that produces unique signatures in underground experiments and dark matter detectable through thermonuclear reactions in Antarctic ice. I will then talk about searching for lighter dark matter – specifically „dark photons“ – using a special quantum state of parahydrogen, prepared with counter-pulsed lasers.“
Dr. I Semenec paskaita „Geoneutrinos: Ghostly Journey from the Center of the Earth“:
„Neutrinos are unique messengers of the universe, and geoneutrinos—electron antineutrinos from radioactive decays within the Earth—provide insights into our planet's composition. By measuring geoneutrino flux from the crust and mantle, we can estimate the abundance of heat-producing elements and their contribution to Earth's surface heat flux. This talk introduces neutrinos, detection methods, and recent geoneutrino measurements, shedding light on the Earth's interior.“
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