Naujienos ir renginiai


2024. 06. 13 -

Call for the position of the Director of the Lithuanian Energy Institute

We invite you to participate in the competition for the position of the Director of the Lithuanian Energy Institute.
Climate change, smart energy and climate-neutral cities, hydrogen technologies, bioenergy – these are just a few areas of the Institute’s scientific activity, which are fully relevant in today’s context and open wide perspectives for the Institutes activities.
The aim of the Institute’s activities is to satisfy public interests by carrying out long-term scientific research and experimental development in established areas important for the state, society, international cooperation and economic entities.
The position of the Director of the Institute provides an opportunity, through cooperation with business and participation in the networks of Lithuanian industrial organisations, joint activities with other Lithuanian scientific and study institutions and international activities, to directly contribute to solving the challenges of the energy sector, and to further develop and strengthen the Institute, which has 230 employees, 130 researchers, 40 PhD students, 10 scientific laboratories, and earning an annual profit of more than 11 million euros.
We invite you to participate in the competition if you want to contribute to the solution of important global and national energy challenges and to further develop the Institute’s potential.

Invitation signed by: Justas Nugaras, Vice-Minister


  • You will contribute to progress in the field of energy and the creation and development of the state-of-the-art sustainable energy technologies that reduce pollution and protect the environment;
  • You will contribute to strengthening Lithuania’s energy independence and reducing dependence on imported energy;
  • You will promote the development of knowledge and competences in the field of energy in society;
  • You will strengthen the Lithuanian Institute of Energy as an internationally recognised centre of excellence for science, innovation and technology in energy and related fields;
  • You will apply your creative energy and leadership in implementing new, modern leadership and teamwork practices.


EUR 6,265 before taxes. Depending on performance, financial incentives are available.


  • The Lithuanian Energy Institute is a state scientific research institute.
  • Head office – Breslaujos g. 3, LT-44403 Kaunas.
  • Vision – the Institute is an internationally recognised centre of excellence in science, innovation and technology in energy and related fields.



If you need additional information, you have any questions, please contact us:
Rita Jucienė,
Advisor at the Personnel Department of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport
Tel. +370 614 61 503, e-mail


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