Naujienos ir renginiai


2024. 07. 14 -

Tarptautinė terahercų vasaros mokykla

International Traveling Summer School on Terahertz Sciences and Technology

Join and learn more about Terahertz technology, an emerging technology that will be at the core of important solutions to the challenges of climate change monitoring, food security, precise agriculture, detection of fake medicines, 6G wireless communications, and stand-off detection of explosives and hazardous substances. You will listen to and interact with more than 25 world-leading experts in the area of THz science, technology, and applications, from academia and industry. And you will work in a small group on a Terahertz challenge project.

All interested Bachelor-, Master-, Ph.D. students, Postdocs, Teachers, End users, and industrial researchers are invited to participate.

An early bird discount of 50 Eur will be applied for registrations till the 13th of June!

Registration form (for each participant):

Registration deadline: 1st of July.

More information:
2024. 08. 28 - Mokslo darbuotojų konkursas Viešas konkursas mokslo darbuotojų pareigoms užimti.
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2024. 04. 15 - Ar pavyks nugalėti trečiąkart iš eilės? Registruokitės į doktorantų konkursą „Tyrėjų Grand Prix“ Esate įsitikinę, kad mokslą galima pristatyti populiariai ir suprantamai? Šis konkursas kaip tik Jums!