• Nekoreguojami


2022. 03. 08 -

Laboratories that can host Ukrainian scientists at all career levels

The global community has created a continuously updated list (https://bit.ly/ua-table) of laboratories that can host Ukrainian scientists at all career levels. We invite everyone to add new entries (via https://bit.ly/ua-form) and share with colleagues.
Also, #ScienceForUkraine platform has been launched, which announces various opportunities for Ukrainian scientists and students.
PhD students an researchers are welcome to State research institute Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC) to study and work in the fields of laser technologies, optoelectronics, nuclear physics, organic chemistry, bio- and nanotechnologies, electrochemical material science, functional materials, electronics, etc.
For more information please visit: https://scienceforukraine.eu/.
Слава Україні!