

Department of Textile Technologies

Head of Department dr. Julija Baltušnikaitė-Guzaitienė
Phone: +37064210067

Scientists and other researchers in the Department of Textile Technology carry out research and accumulate new knowledge in the field of innovative textile technologies. The department is also involved in developing advanced manufacturing technologies and high value-added products using novel fibers, new structures of materials and innovative textile finishing technologies.
The main activities of the department: 
  • Based on the concept of the Green Deal to develop textile technologies that reduce the consumption of energy resources, water, chemicals and contribute to the development of the circular economy
  • The development of protective functional and smart textiles;
  • The development of textiles for defence purposes.


Circular knitting machines (class: 16E – 28E)
Manufacturing of weft-knitted fabric of different structures




Dornier rapier weaving machine
Manufacturing of woven fabric of different structures



Dornier HTV8/S


Seam sealing machine ARDMEL MK-901 (Ardmel Group Ltd., England)
Seam sealing of garments applying tapes

Ardmel MK901



Ultrasonic welding machine PFAFF 8310 (PFAFF Industriesysteme und Maschinen GmbH, Germany)
Ultrasonic welding of garment parts

Pfaff 1



Various sewing machines Brother (Brother Industries, Ltd., Japan)
Sewing  garments using different types of seams 




Non-contacting electrostatic field measuring instrument
ICM-1 (STFI, Germany) for measuring the rate of dissipation of electrostatic charge of garment materials, i.e. the charge decay.


Apparatus for measurement of surface resistivity: Ohmmeter Tera-Ohm-meter 3206, cylindrical electrodes (Eltex, Germany); climatic chamber JCI 191(John Chubb Instrumentation, England).



3D electric-magnetic field meter ESM-100 (Maschek Electronic, Germany) for evaluating the shielding properties of textile materials at the frequency range 2kHz – 400 kHz.



Apparatus for measurement of thermal and water-vapour resistance under steady-state conditions - M259 Sweating Guarded Hot Plate (SDL International Ltd., England).

Apparatus VPW –X11-2005 (Versaperm limited, UK) for measurement of water vapour permeability of textiles.

Thermovisor Therma CamTM (Flir Systems, Sweden). The device is used to investigate the thermoregulatory properties of textile materials and garments, to evaluate concealing features of camouflage materials in the thermal spectral range.


Moisture management tester M290 MMT (SDL-ATLAS, USA). An instrument is used to measure the dynamic liquid transport properties of knitted and woven fabrics in three dimensions.


FAP-1034-LP (F-Razier precision instrument CO.INC, JAV). Instrument for determination of permeability of fabrics to air.


Hydrostatic pressure tester - Shirley M018 (SDL International Ltd., UK) for determination of resistance to water penetration.


Universal tensile testing machine  Micro 350/10AX (SDL, England). The device is used to measure tensile strength and elongation of fabrics and yarns, to determine tear properties of fabrics. 


Test apparatus for determination of the abrasion resistance and propensity to surface fuzzing and to pilling of fabrics - Nu-Martindale 404 and Nu-Martindale 406 („James H. Heal & Co“ Ltd., Halifax, England)


Device for determination of fabrics resistance to damage by flexing - Crumpleflex tester M262 (SDL International Ltd., England).


Automatic washing machine WASCATOR FOM71MP – Lab, type A1 (“Electrolux”, Sweden). The devise is used for the hydrothermal pretreatment of textile fabrics or garment before various physical tests (investigation of tensile strength, determination parameters of burning behaviour) and for determination of dimensional change in washing. 


Optical microscope OLYMPUS CH 30 with digital camera CAMEDIA C-2000 ZOOM (Olympus Optical Co. Ltd, Japan). The microscope is used for microscopical analysis of textile fibres (identification of fibres, measurement of fibre diameter).


UV spectrofotometer Cecil 9020 (Cecil instruments Ltd., England).
The device is used for determination of harmful chemical materials which could be in textiles.


Spectrofotometer - Microflash MF45 (Datacolor International, Switzerland -LP Frazier precision instrument CO.INC, USA). The devise is used for surface colour measurements in the visible spectral range and to measure reflactance factor in the IR range (from 700 nm to 1100 nm).


Spectrofotometer Spectraflash SF450 (Datacolor International, Šveicarija). The devise is used for surface colour measurements in the visible spectral range.


Equipment for thermal analysis – differential scanning calorimeter - Q10 (TA Instruments , USA). Apparatus is used for identification of textile fibres and plastics, for determination of the heat storage and release capacity of textiles containing phase change materials (PCM).


Xenon arc fading lamp tester - Megasol V2.01 („James H. Heal & Co” Ltd., Halifax, England), for determination of colour fastness to artificial light. 


Device - Scourotester FE-09/A (Komputekst, Hungary),  for determination of colour fastness to various impacts (to laundering, to dry cleaning, to different solvents).


Testing device for determining the colour fastness to wet and dry rubbing - Stainingtester FD-17/A (Komputekst, Hungary).


Apparatus for investigation of burning behaviour - Rhoburn 480/03/1090 („James H. Heal & Co” Ltd., Halifax, England). Test apparatus is used for the measurement of limited flame spread properties, for determination of ease of ignition and other burning behaviour properties of vertically oriented textile fabrics, when subjected to a small defined flame. 



Low temperature plasma generating equipment Junior Plazma (Europlazma)
Textile surface modification with low pressure non-polymeric gas plasma


UV Excimer Lamp Modul, Heraeus Nobelight Ltd.)
- wavelength: 222 nm
- arc length: ca.330 mm
Textile surface modification by UV- excimer radiation.


Laboratory oven and steamer TFO S IM 350 (Roaches International Ltd.)
Drying and thermal treatment (up to 240 oC) of textile materials.


Laboratory padder EVP-350  (Roaches International Ltd.)
Treatment of textile materials by immersion into aqueous chemical solution.


Coating unit TFO 350 (Roaches International Ltd.)
The coating formulation with different textile grade polymer.


Fusing  machine Nova- 45 (Reliant Machinery Ltd.)
Connecting of two or more layers of textile material together with thermoplastic adhesive  at 70-240° C.


Laboratory dyeing machine Ahiba Niuance Eco (Datacolor)
Dyeing of textile materials at a temperature in the range20 -140°C.


Ballistic test stand
Ballistic test of body armour


„Adaptive Camouflage for the Soldier II (ACAMSII)”, 2018 – 2022. Funded by European Defence Agency (EDA) program PADR-FPSS-01-2017;
Member of the project management group A. Abraitienė.
„EUREKA E! 13495 – ECODESIGN. Eco-design leisure clothes from natural and biodegradable fibers based on the principles of the circular economy.” 2020 – 2022. Project funded by MITA, 01.2.2-MITA-K-702 Promoting the commercialisation and internationalisation of R&D results (EUREKA);
Head of the project A. Abraitienė.
„Development of a Linear non-thermal plasma source”, 2020 – 2022. LVPA funded project under the Program “Experiment”. 
FTMC – project partner, head - A. Abraitienė.
Main publications
  1. Dubinskaitė, Kristina; Rubežienė, Vitalija; Sankauskaitė, Audronė; Skurkytė-Papievienė, Virginija. Development of technology for providing antimicrobial properties to medical disposable masks/Polymers. eISSN 2073-4360. 2024, vol. 16, iss. 21, art. no. 3005, p. 1-15.

  2. Varnaitė-Žuravliova, Sandra; Baltušnikaitė-Guzaitienė, Julija. Properties, production, and recycling of regenerated cellulose fibers/Journal of functional biomaterials. ISSN 2079-4983. 2024, vol. 15, iss. 11, art. no. 348, p. 1-34.

  3. Varnaitė-Žuravliova, Sandra; Baltušnikaitė-Guzaitienė, Julija. Biodegradable polymers and textiles/Journal of functional biomaterials. eISSN 2079-4983. 2025, vol. 16, iss. 1, art. no. 26, p. 1-7. Varnaitė-Žuravliova, Sandra; Savest, Natalja; Baltušnikaitė-Guzaitienė, Julija; Abraitienė, Aušra; Krumme, Andres. The investigation of the production of salt-added polyethylene oxide/chitosan nanofibers // Materials. eISSN 1996-1944. 2024, vol. 17, iss. 1, art. no. 132, p. 1-17.


    Rubežienė, Vitalija; Varnaitė-Žuravliova, Sandra; Sankauskaitė, Audronė; Pupeikė, Julija; Ragulis, Paulius; Abraitienė, Aušra. The impact of structural variations and coating techniques on the microwave properties of woven fabrics coated with PEDOT:PSS composition // Polymers. eISSN 2073-4360. 2023, vol. 15, no. 21, art. no. 4224, p. 1-26.
  5. Sankauskaitė, Audronė; Pauliukaitė, Rasa; Baltušnikaitė-Guzaitienė, Julija; Abraitienė, Aušra. Smart textile with integrated wearable electrochemical sensors // Current opinion in electrochemistry. ISSN 2451-9103. 2023, vol. 42, art. no. 101410, p. 1-9

  6. Gadeikytė, Aušra; Abraitienė, Aušra; Barauskas, Rimantas. Application of combined micro- and macro-scale models to investigate heat and mass transfer through textile structures with additional ventilation // Mathematics. ISSN 2227-7390. 2023, vol. 11, iss. 11, art. no. 2532, p. 1-20.

  7. Pupeikė, Julija; Sankauskaitė, Audronė; Varnaitė-Žuravliova, Sandra; Rubežienė, Vitalija; Abraitienė, Aušra. Investigation of electrical and wearing properties of wool fabric coated with PEDOT:PSS // Polymers. eISSN 2073-4360. 2023, vol. 15, iss. 11, art. no. 2539, p. 1-18.

  8. Krauledaitė, Julija; Ancutienė, Kristina; Krauledas, Sigitas; Urbelis, Virginijus; Sacevičienė, Virginija. The influence of high molecular weight polyethylene and basalt content on the mechanical risks of protective three-dimensional weft-knitted fabrics designed to wear next to skin // Textile research journal. ISSN 0040-5175. 2023, vol. 93, iss. 13-14, p. 3020-3035.

  9. Krauledaitė, Julija; Ancutienė, Kristina; Krauledas, Sigitas; Urbelis, Virginijus; Sacevičienė, Virginija. Investigation of the influence of high molecular weight polyethylene and basalt content used in three-dimensional weft-knitted fabrics on the mechanical risks // Textile research journal. ISSN 0040-5175. 2022, vol. 92, iss. 23-24, p. 4709-4721.

  10. Stygienė, Laimutė; Varnaitė-Žuravliova, Sandra; Abraitienė, Aušra; Sankauskaitė, Audronė; Skurkytė-Papievienė, Virginija; Krauledas, Sigitas; Mažeika, Virginijus. Development, investigation and evaluation of smart multifunctional socks // Journal of industrial textiles. ISSN 1528-0837. 2022, vol. 51, iss. 2, p. 2330-2353.

  11. Petkevičiūtė, Julija; Sankauskaitė, Audronė; Jasulaitienė, Vitalija; Varnaitė-Žuravliova, Sandra; Abraitienė, Aušra. Impact of low-pressure plasma treatment of wool fabric for dyeing with PEDOT: PSS // Materials. eISSN 1996-1944. 2022, vol. 15, iss. 14, art. no. 4797, p. 1-18.

  12. Krauledaitė, Julija; Ancutienė, Kristina; Krauledas, Sigitas; Urbelis, Virginijus; Sacevičienė, Virginija. Research of 3D weft-knitted fabrics designed to protect against mechanical risks and suitable for contact with skin // Journal of industrial textiles. ISSN 1528-0837. 2022, vol. 51, iss. 5, p. 7674-7693.

  13. Sederavičiūtė, Florentina; Domskienė, Jurgita; Jurgelionytė, Lina; Sankauskaitė, Audronė; Kimmer, Dushan. Effect of DMDHEU treatment on properties of bacterial cellulose material // Textile research journal. ISSN 0040-5175. 2022, vol. 92, iss. 15-16, p. 2580-2590.

  14. Stygienė, Laimutė; Krauledas, Sigitas; Abraitienė, Aušra; Varnaitė-Žuravliova, Sandra; Dubinskaitė, Kristina]. Flammability and thermoregulation properties of knitted fabrics as a potential candidate for protective undergarments // Materials. ISSN 1996-1944. 2022, vol. 15, iss. 7, art. no. 2647, p. 1-22.

  15. Stygienė, Laimutė; Krauledas, Sigitas; Abraitienė, Aušra; Varnaitė-Žuravliova, Sandra; Dubinskaitė, Kristina. Thermal comfort and electrostatic properties of socks containing fibers with bio-ceramic, silver and carbon additives // Materials. eISSN 1996-1944. 2022, vol. 15, iss. 8, art. no. 2908, p. 1-19.

  16. Aušra Gadeikytė, Aušra Abraitienė, Rimantas Barauskas. Prediction of air permeability coefficient and water-vapor resistance of 3D textile layer. // The Journal of The Textile Institute, 2022, vol.113, iss.3, p. 396 – 404, ISSN:0040-5000;

  17. Stygienė, L.; Krauledas, S.; Abraitienė, A.; Varnaitė-Žuravliova, S.; Dubinskaitė, K. Flammability and Thermoregulation Properties of Knitted Fabrics as a Potential Candidate for Protective Undergarments // Materials, 2022, Vol.15, iss. 7, p. 1-22, art. no. 2647, ISSN 1996-1944;

  18. Vitalija Rubeziene, Julija Baltusnikaite-Guzaitiene, Ausra Abraitiene, Audrone Sankauskaite, Paulius Ragulis, Gilda Santos and Juana Pimenta. Development and Investigation of PEDOT:PSS Composition Coated Fabrics Intended for Microwave Shielding and Absorption // Polymers, 2021, vol.13 iss.8, art. no.1191, p. 1 – 21, ISSN 2073-4360;

  19. V.Skurkytė - Papievienė, A. Abraitienė, A. Sankauskaitė, V.Rubežienė,  J.Baltušnikaitė-Guzaitienė. Enhancement of the Thermal Performance of the Paraffin-Based Microcapsules Intended for Textile Applications // Polymers, 2021, vol.13, iss.7, art. no. 1120, p. 1 – 16, ISSN 2073-4360; 

  20. Laimutė Stygienė,  Sandra Varnaitė - Žuravliova,  Aušra Abraitienė,  Sigitas  Krauledas, Julija Baltušnikaitė - Guzaitienė,  Ingrida Padleckienė. Investigation of thermoregulation properties of various ceramic-containing knitted fabric structures // Journal of Industrial Textiles, 2020, Vol.50, issue 5, p.p. 716 – 739, ISSN: 1528 – 0837;

  21. Varnaitė-Žuravliova, S., Savest, N., Baltušnikaitė-Guzaitienė, J., Abraitienė, A., Krumme, A. Electrospinning of Chitosan Biopolymer and Polyethylene Oxide Blends // AUTEX Research Journal, 2020, 20 (4), p.p. 426-440, ISSN: 1470-9589;

  22. Sankauskaitė, A., Rubežienė, V., Kubilienė, D., Abraitienė, A., Baltušnikaitė-Guzaitienė,  J.,  Dubinskaitė, K. Investigation of Thermal Behaviour of 3D PET Knits with Different Bio-Ceramic Additives // Polymers 2020, vol. 12 (6), 1319, p.1 - 12; ISSN: 2073-4360;

  23. Rimantas Barauskas, Audrone Sankauskaite, Vitalija Rubeziene, Ausra Gadeikyte,   Virginija   Skurkyte – Papieviene, Ausra Abraitiene. Investigation of thermal properties of spacer fabrics with phase changing material by finite element model and experiment // Textile Research Journal, 2020, Vol.90, issue 15-16, p.p. 1837 – 1850; ISSN: 0040 – 5175;

  24. Monika Kirsnytė, Marijus Jurkūnas, Žilvinas Kancleris, Paulius Ragulis, Rimantas Simniškis, Aušvydas Vareikis, Aušra Abraitienė, Karolis Požėla, Ben Whiteside, Christina L.Tuinea-Bobe, Arūnas Stirkė. Investigation of in situ formed conductive polymer composite in adhesive matrix // Synthetic Metals, 2019, vol.258,ISSN: 0379-6779;

  25. Julija Krauledaitė, Kristina Ancutienė, Virginijus Urbelis, Sigitas Krauledas, Virginija Sacevičienė. Development and evaluation of 3D knitted fabrics to protect against mechanical risk. // Journal of Industrial Textiles, 2019, Vol. 49, Issue 3, p.p. 383 – 401, ISSN: 1528-0837;  

  26. Rimantas Barauskas, Audrone Sankauskaite, Ausra Abraitiene. Investigation of the thermal properties of spacer fabrics with bio-ceramic additives using the finite element model and experiment. // Textile Research Journal, 2018, Vol. 88, iss.3, p.p. 293–311, ISSN 0040-5175;

  27. Vitalija Rubežienė, Aušra Abraitienė, Julija Baltušnikaitė-Guzaitienė, Sandra Varnaitė-Žuravliova, Audronė Sankauskaitė, Žilvinas Andrius Kancleris, Paulius Ragulis, Gediminas Šlekas.  The influence of distribution and deposit of conductive coating on shielding effectiveness of textiles. //Journal of the Textile Institute,   2018, Vol. 109, iss. 3, p.p. 358-367, ISSN 0040-5000;

  28. G.Busilienė, E.Strazdienė, V.V. Urbelis, S.Krauledas. The effect of three-layer weft knitted material structure and composition upon performance properties. // Textile Research Journal, 2018, Vol.88, iss. 8, p.p. 957 – 970, ISSN 0040-5175;