

Department of Physical Technologies

Head of department dr.(hp) Arūnas Šetkus dr.(hp) A. Šetkus

phone +370 5 2627934
Department focuses on the development and applications of autonomous integrated sensor systems. Each laboratory of the department is 
responsible for individual parts of the system. Our technologies are based on electrochemical, sol-gel processes, thin film and 2D like materials deposition by PVD, CVD and PECVD, wet transfer of 2D materials and laser lithography. Materials we work with: nanocrystalline and/or porous semiconductors such as Si and metal oxides, 2D materials (graphene, MoS2) and hybrid materials (biomolecules-solids).





Department‘s equipment is a part of open access centre “Prototype Formation and Integration”.

Microwave research equipment

In the microwave laboratory there are microwave anechoic chamber designed for measurements in the frequency range from 800 MHz to 20 GHz. The dimensions of the chamber are 8.4 m×4.6 m×3.7 m. Our chamber partly conforms to IEC EN 61000-4-3 standard for electromagnetic emission measurements and fully conforms to requirements for the measurement of electronic equipment susceptibility to electromagnetic radiation.


Available in the lab high power microwave pulse sources generate up to 100 kW (up to 20 kV/m) microwave pulses in the frequencies 2.65 GHz, 5.7 GHz, 9.2 GHz and 15 GHz. Also we have a set of tunable microwave amplifiers those generate up to 2 kW power microwave pulses in the frequency range from 1 GHz to 18 GHz.


In our new anechoic chamber we can perform measurements of electromagnetic properties like dielectric permittivity, absorption, shielding effectiveness of various functional materials and coatings at free space conditions.





Development of resistive sensors – devices for high power microwave pulse measurements - is one of the objectives of our laboratory. Resistive sensors are based on electron heating effect. Electric field of microwave signal getting into sensor heats electrons in it and the resistance of the sensor increases. By measuring this resistance change the microwave pulse power in the waveguide is determined. New generation of the resistive sensors is implemented in the double ridge waveguides and their frequency band was expanded more than two times.


Using high power microwave pulse sources and resistive sensors we can perform measurements of electromagnetic susceptibility of the electronic equipment to high power microwave radiation. The main advantage of our technique is based on the increased measurement accuracy of the amplitude of the electric field by which the device under test is subjected. On the one hand, we are using the resistive sensor for the exact measurement of the microwave power passed to the transmitting antenna, being able to calculate the electric field strength at the location of the device under test. On the other hand, electric field strength is measured directly by using the resistive sensor connected to the horn antenna.


Together with experimental investigations we are also solving electromagnetic wave scattering problems. Using finite difference time domain method the electromagnetic wave propagation in various environments and their interaction with different objects are modelled. We are also performing the simulations of electromagnetic properties of microwave and terahertz electronic components.

Thin film deposition

PVD platform Angstrom Engineering EvoVac
Platform is used for deposition of metal oxide thin films and metals by RF, DC, pulsed DC and HiPIMS sputtering. Argon and/or oxygen ion beam processing can be used for cleaning and film enhancements.


Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition (PECVD) system SVCS
PECVD system consist of two furnaces with maximal temperature up to 1000 0C and is used for formation of graphene and SiNx, SiO2, Al2O3, SiC layers


Thermal processes
Tube furnace Nabertherm RS 120/1000/11 (photo) is used for diffusion and thermal oxidation of silicon. Sulfidation of Mo/MoOx precursor into a few monolayer MoS2 can be performed in this furnace. Maximal temperature in the tube is 1100 0C in oxygen, dry air or inert gas atmosphere. Drying chamber BINDER FDL 115 is used for drying various solvents. Rapid thermal processing system Unitemp RTP-100-HV can be used for rapid thermal annealing of thin films.



Laboratory of chemical processes
Laboratory is in ISO 7 cleanroom equipped with fume hoods, laminar flow hoods used for preparation of the surface of semiconductor wafers, spin coating of the films and wet etching. 


Device prototyping

Laser lithography system Heidelberg instruments DWL 66+
The DWL 66+ laser lithography system is a high resolution pattern generator for low volume mask making and direct writing. Generated structure size is down to 600 nm.


Semiconductor processing equipment Oxford Instruments

The equipment set is designed to: deposit a dielectric layer for a hard mask (PECVD), etch the mask itself (RIE), etch the semiconductor substrate (ICP-RIE).

PECVD - Oxford Instruments PlasmaPro 80 PECVD

PECVD tool is used for the deposition of dielectric layers. The standard processes are designed for the deposition of SiO2 and Si3N4 layers. The tool is equipped with high and low frequency plasma generators, which can be combined to change the layer stress. The standard process temperature is 300℃. Gases used in the tool: SiH4, NH3, N2O, Ar, CF4.

RIE - Oxford Instruments PlasmaPro 80 RIE

Dry etching tool for mask formation. Standard processes are designed to etch SiO2 and Si3N4 layers. Gases used in the tool: CF4, Ar, CHF3, O2.

ICP-RIE - Oxford Instruments PlasmaPro 100 Cobra ICP180

Dry etching tool for semiconductor etching. The temperature of the sample table can be changed from -20℃ to +60℃. Materials that can be etched with standard recipes: GaAs; InP. Gases used in the tool: Cl2, BCl3, CH4, H2, SF6, O2, N2 Ar.





Optical microscope
High quality optical microscope (magnification up to 1600x) for alignment to lithographic markers on the wafer and visual control of lithography process.


Mask aligners 
Mask aligners Karl Suss MJB3 and Kulicke-Soffa with alignment accuracy of 1.5 µm.


Assembly equipment
Diamond scriber OptoPhase mr200 for scribing wide range of materials from semiconductors (Si, GaAs, GaSb, InP, GaP) to glass and quartz. Semi-automatic digital wedge/ball/bump bonder TPT-HB10 for bonding Au and Al wires.

 Test and Diagnostic Equipment  

Semiconductor characterization system Keithley 4200-SCS/Summit 11000 is aparameter analyser, and it delivers synchronizing current-voltage (I-V), capacitance-voltage (C-V) and ultra-fast pulsed I-V measurements in a temperature range from room temperature to +350 0C. 


Scanning Probe Microscope Dimension 3100
Microscope is used for a mapping surface 3D topography, mechanical, electrical and magnetic properties, manipulating of nanoobjects on the surface, investigate effects of electric field or mechanical force to the surface, perform force (intermolecular, electrical etc.) spectroscopy. Measurements can be performed in air or liquid at room temperature.


Photoelectrical characterisation system
A steady state solar simulator Sciencetech SS1,6kW (AM1.5G spectrum) and source meter Keithley 2601 for photoelectrical characterisation of solar cells or photoactive materials.



SPIP 5.1.0 (Image Metrology) is an advanced software package for processing and analyzing microscopy images at nano- and microscale. SPIP supports many microscope types including scanning probe microscopes (SPM, AFM, STM, SNOM), electron microscopes (SEM, TEM), interference microscopes, confocal microscopes, optical microscopes and profilers along with their file formats.

  • Research and development project “Center for technology of semiconductor infrared laser systems” financially supported by European Union structural funds based on the agreement between CPVA and FTMC reg. No. 01.2.2-CPVA-K-703-03-0019, 2020.04.24., FTMC registration Nr. 3200-SF-254, 2022.04.22. Duration of the project: 2020.04.24. - 2023.04.30.; coordinator of the project: Arūnas Šetkus; project budget: 925880.84 EUR.

    Rapid development of the compact infrared (IR) laser systems was stimulated by highly attractive applicability of these systems in medicine, 3D scanning, automotive control, material identification, and etc. For these reasons, the need for suitable IR emitting diodes (LEDs) and laser diodes (LDs) has been recognized and related R&D activities increased significantly. Integration of these sources into small smart devices requires strict control of a variety of parameters and constructions and thus leaded to the new challenges in the LED/LD technologies. Based on the high international research potential of the State Research Institute of the Center for  Physical and Technological Sciences (FTMC) and new and modern technological-technical infrastructure of the FTMC, the project is aimed at development of platform of the materials, functional coatings and their technologies for the development and production of semiconductor lasers and detectors and their systems adapted to operate from in the near-IR to the far-IR emission. The platforms are expected to be acceptable for transfer of the technologies and constructions of the model devices into commercially available devices. Project activities are aimed at quantitatively measurable results by creating and manufacturing semiconductor infrared lasers and detectors within integrated systems and modules, acceptable to demonstrate the key features at nearly real conditions of practical applications. The systems are mainly focused on two wavelength ranges 760-1550 nm and 5-20 mkm. Targeted development and manufacturing of the prototypes of the devices are expected being feasible on the basis of the project developments.
Most important publications
  1. Šapurov, Martynas; Baškys, Algirdas; Slivka, Kazimieras; Bleizgys, Vytautas; Stašys, Karolis; Simniškis, Rimantas; Zlosnikas, Valerijus; Urbonas, Kęstutis; Dervinis, Aldas; Paulikas, Šarūnas; Paulauskas, Nerijus; Pomarnacki, Raimondas; Guršnys, Darius; Mažeiko, Leslav; Cymliakova, Violeta; Piatrou, Pavel; Dilys, Justas. RF power saving system for smart homes/Heliyon. ISSN 2405-8440. 2024, vol. 10, iss. 21, art. no. e39862, p. 1-16.

  2. Redeckas, Karolis; Jakštas, Vytautas; Bernatonis, Matas; Tamošiūnas, Vincas; Valušis, Gintaras; Minkevičius, Linas. Enhanced terahertz sensing via on-chip integration of diffractive optics with InGaAs bow-tie detectors/Sensors. eISSN 1424-8220. 2025, vol. 25, iss. 1, art. no. 229, p. 1-13

  3. Norkus, Ričardas; Klimas, Vaclovas; Strazdienė, Viktorija; Devenson, Jan; Bukauskas, Virginijus; Niaura, Gediminas; Tamulaitis, Gintautas; Krotkus, Arūnas. Comparison of electrical characteristics of thin tellurium layers obtained from chemical solution and by thermal evaporation in vacuum//Journal of applied physics. ISSN 0021-8979. 2024, vol. 135, iss. 24, art. no. 245302, p. 1-8.

  4. Grinys, Tomas; Razas, Kristupas; Podlipskas, Žydrūnas; Bukauskas, Virginijus; Stanionytė, Sandra. Phonon-assisted leakage current of InGaN light emitting diode//Physica scripta. ISSN 0031-8949. 2024, vol. 99, iss. 9, art. no. 095514, p. 1-7.

  5. Duobiene, Shathya; Simniškis, Rimantas; Račiukaitis, Gediminas. Enabling seamless connectivity: networking innovations in wireless sensor networks for industrial application//Sensors. eISSN 1424-8220. 2024, vol. 24, iss. 15, art. no. 4881, p. 1-27.

  6. Aukštakojytė, Rūta; Niaura, Gediminas; Bukauskas, Virginijus; Barkauskas, Jurgis; Pauliukaitė, Rasa; Gaidukevič, Justina. Bismarck brown-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of nitrogen-modified reduced graphene oxide for selective electrochemical detection of dopamine // Surfaces and interfaces. ISSN 2468-0230. 2024, vol. 46, art. no. 104041, p. 1-12.


    Rubežienė, Vitalija; Varnaitė-Žuravliova, Sandra; Sankauskaitė, Audronė; Pupeikė, Julija; Ragulis, Paulius; Abraitienė, Aušra. The impact of structural variations and coating techniques on the microwave properties of woven fabrics coated with PEDOT:PSS composition // Polymers. eISSN 2073-4360. 2023, vol. 15, no. 21, art. no. 4224, p. 1-26.
  8. Reinikovaitė, Viktorija; Matulevičius, Matas; Elsakova, Alexandra; Drobysh, Maryia; Liustrovaitė, Viktorija; Lukša, Algirdas; Jafarov, Ali; Slibinskas, Rimantas; Ramanavičius, Arūnas; Baradokė, Aušra. Electrochemical capacitance spectroscopy based determination of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 virus spike protein // Science of the total environment. ISSN 0048-9697. 2023, vol. 903, art. no. 166447, p. 1-7.

  9. Žemgulytė, Justina; Sadauskas, Modestas; Ragulis, Paulius; Trusovas, Romualdas; Ratautas, Karolis; Simniškis, Rimantas; Kancleris, Žilvinas Andrius; Račiukaitis, Gediminas. Effects of different manufacturing techniques on the performance of planar antennas // Scientific reports. eISSN 2045-2322. 2023, vol. 13, art. no. 22510, p. 1-10.

  10. Lukša, Algimantas; Nargelienė, Viktorija; Treideris, Marius; Bukauskas, Virginijus; Talaikis, Martynas; Šetkus, Arūnas. Stages of self-arrangement in growth of nanostructured graphene films related to the flow of ionized species during plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition//Journal of vacuum science & technology A. ISSN 0734-2101. 2023, vol. 41, iss. 5, art. no. 053402, p. 1-11.

  11. Lukša, Algimantas; Bukauskas, Virginijus; Nargelienė, Viktorija; Treideris, Marius; Talaikis, Martynas; Selskis, Algirdas; Suchodolskis, Artūras; Šetkus, Arūnas. Influence of growth time and temperature on optical characteristics and surface wetting in nano-crystalline graphene deposited by PECVD directly on silicon dioxide//Crystals. eISSN 2073-4352. 2023, vol. 13, iss. 8, art. no. 1243, p. 1-13.

  12. Daugalas, Tomas; Bukauskas, Virginijus; Lukša, Algimantas; Nargelienė, Viktorija; Šetkus, Arūna. Dependence of electrical charge transport on the voltage applied across metal–graphene–metal stack under fixed compressing force//Coatings. ISSN 2079-6412. 2023, vol. 13, iss. 9, art. no. 1522, p. 1-10.

  13. Sartanavičius, Aivaras; Žemgulytė, Justina; Ragulis, Paulius; Ratautas, Karolis; Trusovas, Romualdas. Laser-induced graphene in polyimide for antenna applications//Crystals. eISSN 2073-4352. 2023, vol. 13, iss. 7, art. no. 1003, p. 1-10.

  14. Urbonis, D.; Ragulis, Paulius; Šlekas, Gediminas; Kamarauskas, Andrius; Seliuta, Dalius; Kancleris, Žilvinas Andrius. Symmetric and asymmetric Fano resonances in a broken axial symmetry metasurface of split ring resonators//Journal of applied physics. ISSN 0021-8979. 2023, vol. 134, iss. 13, art. no. 133102, p. 1-7.

  15. Morkvėnaitė-Vilkončienė, Inga; Kisieliūtė, Aura; Nogala, Wojciech; Popov, Anton; Brasiūnas, Benediktas; Kamarauskas, Mindaugas; Ramanavičius, Arūnas; Linfield, Steven; Ramanavičienė, Almira. Scanning electrochemical microscopy: Glucose oxidase as an electrochemical label in sandwich format immunoassay//Electrochimica acta. ISSN 0013-4686. 2023, vol. 463, art. no. 142790, p. 1-8.

  16. Rudzikas, Matas; Pakalka, Saulius; Donėlienė, Jolanta; Šetkus, Arūnas. Exploring the potential of pure germanium kesterite for a 2T kesterite/silicon tandem solar cell: a simulation study//Materials. eISSN 1996-1944. 2023, vol. 16, iss. 18, art. no. 6107, p. 1-16.

  17. Grigelionis, Ignas; Čižas, Vladislovas; Karaliūnas, Mindaugas; Jakštas, Vytautas; Ikamas, Kęstutis; Urbanovič, Andže; Treideris, Marius; Bičiūnas, Andrius; Jokubauskis, Domas; Butkutė, Renata; Minkevičius, Linas. Narrowband thermal terahertz emission from homoepitaxial GaAs structures coupled with Ti/Au metasurface // Sensors. eISSN 1424-8220. 2023, vol. 23, iss. 10, art. no. 4600, p. 1-11.

  18. Daugalas, Tomas; Bukauskas, Virginijus; Lukša, Algimantas; Nargelienė, Viktorija; Šetkus, Arūnas. Relationship between changes in interface characteristics and external voltage under compressing force in metal–graphene–metal stacks // Journal of physics D: applied physics. ISSN 0022-3727. 2023, vol. 56, iss. 34, art. no. 345305, p. 1-11.

  19. Krotkus, Arūnas; Nevinskas, Ignas; Norkus, Ričardas; Geižutis, Andrejus; Strazdienė, Viktorija; Pačebutas, Vaidas; Paulauskas, Tadas. Terahertz photocurrent spectrum analysis of AlGaAs/GaAs/GaAsBi multi-junction solar cells // Journal of physics D: Applied physics. ISSN 0022-3727. 2023, vol. 56, iss. 35, 355109, p. 1-8.

  20. Lukša, Algimantas; Astachov, Vladimir; Balakauskas, Saulius; Bukauskas, Virginijus; Kamarauskas, Mindaugas; Suchodolskis, Artūras; Treideris, Marius; Talaikis, Martynas; Šetkus, Arūnas. Changes in electrical conductance in the limited area of microcrystalline graphene due to the spatial proximity of water droplet // Surfaces and interfaces. ISSN 2468-0230. 2023, vol. 36, art. no. 102508, p. 1-9.

  21. Rudzikas, Matas; Donėlienė, Jolanta; Bužavaitė-Vertelienė, Ernesta; Balevičius, Zigmas; Leuvrey, Cedric; Šetkus, Arūnas. Design and investigation of 1D photonic crystal based structures for BIPV cell colorization by sol-gel dipping technology // Solar energy. ISSN 0038-092X. 2023, vol. 250, p. 285-294.

  22. Belosludtsev, Alexandr; Sytchkova, Anna; Baltrušaitis, Kazimieras; Vaičikauskas, Viktoras; Jasulaitienė, Vitalija; Gric, Tatjana. Growth of magnetron‐sputtered ultrathin chromium films: In situ monitoring and ex situ film properties // Coatings. ISSN 2079-6412. 2023, vol. 13, iss. 2, art. no. 347, p. 1-11.

  23. Seliuta, Dalius; Šlekas, Gediminas; Kamarauskas, Andrius; Kancleris, Žilvinas Andrius. Guided lattice modes in terahertz metasurface deposited on ultrathin dielectric substrate // IEEE transactions on terahertz science and technology. ISSN 2156-342X.  2022, vol. 12, iss. 4, p. 345-352.

  24. Zdaniauskienė, Agnė; Ignatjev, Ilja; Charkova, Tatjana; Talaikis, Martynas; Lukša, Algimantas; Šetkus, Arūnas; Niaura, Gediminas. Shell-isolated nanoparticle-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for probing riboflavin on graphene // Materials. eISSN 1996-1944. 2022, vol. 15, iss. 5, art. no. 1636, p. 1-14.

  25. Jorudas, Justinas; Pashnev, Daniil; Kašalynas, Irmantas; Ignatjev, Ilja; Niaura, Gediminas; Selskis, Algirdas; Astachov, Vladimir; Alexeeva, Natalia. Green removal of DUV-polarity-modified PMMA for wet transfer of CVD graphene // Nanomaterials. eISSN 2079-4991. 2022, vol. 12, iss. 22, art. no. 4017, p. 1-17.

  26. Daugalas, Tomas; Bukauskas, Virginijus; Lukša, Algimantas; Nargelienė, Viktorija; Šetkus, Arūnas. Intentionally created localized bridges for electron transport through graphene monolayer between two metals // Nanotechnology. ISSN 0957-4484. 2022, vol. 33, iss. 37, art. no. 375402, p. 1-11.

  27. Duobiene, Shathya; Ratautas, Karolis; Trusovas, Romualdas; Ragulis, Paulius; Šlekas, Gediminas; Simniškis, Rimantas; Račiukaitis, Gediminas. Development of wireless sensor network for environment monitoring and its implementation using SSAIL technology // Sensors. eISSN 1424-8220. 2022, vol. 22, iss. 14, art. no. 5343, p. 1-17.

  28. Aukštakojytė, Rūta; Gaidukevič, Justina; Niaura, Gediminas; Skapas, Martynas; Bukauskas, Virginijus; Barkauskas, Jurgis. Structural control and electrical behavior of thermally reduced graphene oxide samples assisted with malonic acid and phosphorus pentoxide // Inorganics. eISSN 2304-6740. 2022, vol. 10, iss. 9, art. no. 142, p. 1-16.

  29. Kamarauskas, Andrius; Seliuta, Dalius; Šlekas, Gediminas; Sadauskas, Modestas; Kvietkauskas, Evaldas; Trusovas, Romualdas; Ratautas, Karolis; Kancleris, Žilvinas Andrius. Experimental demonstration of multiple Fano resonances in a mirrored array of split-ring resonators on a thick substrate // Scientific reports. eISSN 2045-2322. 2022, vol. 12, art. no. 15846, p. 1-9.

  30. Pakštas, Vidas; Grincienė, Giedrė; Selskis, Algirdas; Balakauskas, Saulius; Talaikis, Martynas; Bruc, L.; Curmei, N.; Niaura, Gediminas; Franckevičius, Marius. Improvement of CZTSSe film quality and superstrate solar cell performance through optimized post-deposition annealing // Scientific reports. eISSN 2045-2322. 2022, vol. 12, art. no. 16170, p. 1-9.

  31. Paulauskas, Tadas; Pačebutas, Vaidas; Geižutis, Andrejus; Kamarauskas, Mindaugas; Drazdys, Mantas; Rudzikas, Matas; Kondrotas, Rokas; Naujokaitis, Arnas; Nevinskas, Ignas; Šebeka, Benjaminas; Strazdienė, Viktorija; Krotkus, Arūnas. Performance analysis of GaAsBi/InGaAs heterostructure for III-V multi-junction solar cells // Solar energy materials and solar cells. ISSN 0927-0248. 2022, vol. 248, art. no. 112013, p. 1-8.

  32. Belosludtsev, Alexandr; Sytchkova, Anna; Kyžas, Naglis; Bitinaitis, Ignas; Simniškis, Rimantas; Drazdys, Ramutis. Ultrathin sputtered silver films protected by ALD alumina: Comparison of in-situ investigation with ex-situ resistance and ellipsometric measurements. Vacuum. ISSN 0042-207X. 2022, vol. 195, art. no. 110669, p. 1-8.

  33. Pačebutas, Vaidas; Karpus, Vytautas; Geižutis, Andrejus; Kamarauskas, Mindaugas; Selskis, Algirdas; Krotkus, Arūnas. Reduction of optical transition energy in composite GaInAsBi quantum wells. Infrared physics and technology. ISSN 1350-4495. 2022, vol. 121, art. n. 104002, p. 1-5.

  34. Radzevičius, Audrius; Sakalauskienė, Sandra; Dagys, Mindaugas; Simniškis, Rimantas; Karklelienė, Rasa; Juškevičienė, Danguolė; Račkienė, Roma; Brazaitytė, Aušra. Differential physiological response and antioxidant activity relative to high-power micro-waves irradiation and temperature of tomato sprouts, Agriculture. ISSN 2077-0472. 2022, vol. 12, iss. 3, art. no. 422, p. 1-10.

  35. Juškėnas, Remigijus; Balakauskas, Saulius; Mockus, Zenius; Kanapeckaitė, Stasė; Kalinauskas, Putinas; Stalnionis, Giedrius; Naujokaitis, Arnas; Selskis, Algirdas; Šetkus, Arūnas; Niaura, Gediminas. Impact of sulfurization procedure parameters on photoelectrochemical, compositional and structural features of kesterite. Materials science & engineering B. ISSN 0921-5107. 2021, vol. 274, art. n. 115483, p. 1-7.

  36. Kavaliauskaitė, Gabrielė; Kuksėnaitė, Gintarė; Gegevičius, Rokas; Pakštas, Vidas; Selskis, Algirdas; Strazdienė, Viktorija; Padarauskas, Audrius; Orentas, Edvinas; Gulbinas, Vidmantas; Franckevičius, Marius. S-methylthiouronium improves the photostability of methylammonium lead iodide perovskites . ACS applied energy materials. ISSN 2574-0962. 2021, vol. 4, iss. 7, p. 6466-6473.

  37. Sytchkova, Anna; Belosludtsev, Alexandr; Volosevičienė, Lina; Juškėnas, Remigijus; Simniškis, Rimantas. Optical, structural and electrical properties of sputtered ultrathin chromium films. Optical materials. ISSN 0925-3467. 2021, vol. 121, art. no. 111530, p. 1-9.

  38. Rubežienė, Vitalija; Baltušnikaitė-Guzaitienė, Julija; Abraitienė, Aušra; Sankauskaitė, Audronė; Ragulis, Paulius; Santos, Gilda; Pimenta, Juana. Development and investigation of PEDOT:PSS composition coated fabrics intended for microwave shielding and absorption. Polymers. ISSN 2073-4360. 2021, vol. 13, iss. 8, art. no. 1191, p. 1-21.

  39. Agafonov, Vladimir; Nargelienė, Viktorija; Balakauskas, Saulius; Bukauskas, Virginijus; Kamarauskas, Mindaugas; Lukša, Algimantas; Mironas, Audružis; Rėza, Alfonsas; Šetkus, Arūnas. Single variable defined technology control of the optical properties in MoS2 films with controlled number of 2D-layers. Nanotechnology. ISSN 0957-4484. 2020, vol. 31, iss. 2, art. no. 025602, p. 1-12.

  40. Šlekas, Gediminas; Kancleris, Žilvinas Andrius; Urbanovič, Andžej; Čiegis, Raimondas. Comparison of full-wave models of terahertz photoconductive antenna based on ordinary differential equation and Monte Carlo method. European physical journal plus. ISSN 2190-5444. 2020, vol. 135, art. no. 85, p. 1-16.

  41. Paulauskas, Tadas; Pačebutas, Vaidas; Butkutė, Renata; Čechavičius, Bronislovas; Naujokaitis, Arnas; Kamarauskas, Mindaugas; Skapas, Martynas; Devenson, Jan; Čaplovičová, Mária; Vretenár, Viliam; Li, Xiaoyan; Kociak, Mathieu; Krotkus, Arūnas. Atomic-resolution EDX, HAADF, and EELS study of GaAs1-xBix alloys. Nanoscale Research Letters. ISSN 1931-7573. 2020, vol. 15, art. no. 121, p. 1-12.

  42. Pačebutas, Vaidas; Norkus, Ričardas; Karpus, Vytautas; Geižutis, Andrejus; Strazdienė, Viktorija; Stanionytė, Sandra; Krotkus, Arūnas. Band-offsets of GaInAsBi–InP heterojunctions. Infrared physics & technology. ISSN 1350-4495. 2020, vol. 109, art. no. 103400, p. 1-4.

  43. Rudzikas, Matas; Šetkus, Arūnas; Stange, Marit; Ulbikas, Juras; Ulyashin, Alexander. Simple interference based colorization of Si based solar cells and panels with ITO/SiNx:H double layer antireflective coatings. Solar energy. ISSN 0038-092X. 2020, vol. 207, p. 218-227.

  44. Kamarauskas, Mindaugas; Agafonov, Vladimir; Daugalas, Tomas; Balakauskas, Saulius; Mironas, Audružis; Nedzinskas, Ramūnas; Niaura, Gediminas; Treideris, Marius; Šetkus, Arūnas. Photovoltaic effect-driven IR response of heterojunctions obtained by direct CVD synthesis of MoS2 nanolayers on crystalline silicon. Nanotechnology. ISSN 0957-4484. 2020, vol. 31, iss. 42, art. no. 425603, p. 1-12.

  45. Gradauskas, Jonas; Ašmontas, Steponas; Sužiedėlis, Algirdas; Šilėnas, Aldis; Vaičikauskas, Viktoras; Čerškus, Aurimas; Širmulis, Edmundas; Žalys, Ovidijus Alfonsas; Masalskyi, Oleksandr. Influence of hot carrier and thermal components on photovoltage formation across the p–n junction. Applied sciences. ISSN 2076-3417. 2020, vol. 10, iss. 21, art. no. 7483, p. 1-8.

  46. Paulauskas, Tadas; Čechavičius, Bronislovas; Karpus, Vytautas; Jočionis, Lukas; Tumėnas, Saulius; Devenson, Jan; Pačebutas, Vaidas; Stanionytė, Sandra; Strazdienė, Viktorija; Geižutis, Andrejus; Čaplovičová, Mária; Vretenár, Viliam; Walls, Michael; Krotkus, Arūnas. Polarization dependent photoluminescence and optical anisotropy in CuPtB-ordered dilute GaAs1–xBix alloys. Journal of applied physics. ISSN 0021-8979.2020, vol. 128, iss. 19, art. no. 195106, p. 1-10.

  47. Sakavičius, Andrius; Astromskas, Gvidas; Bukauskas, Virginijus; Kamarauskas, Mindaugas; Lukša, Algimantas; Nargelienė, Viktorija; Niaura, Gediminas; Ignatjev, Ilja; Treideris, Marius; Šetkus, Arūnas. Long distance distortions in the graphene near the edge of planar metal contacts, Thin solid films. ISSN 0040-6090. 2020, vol. 698, art. no. 137850, p. 1-10.

  48. Pačebutas, Vaidas; Norkus, Ričardas; Karpus, Vytautas; Geižutis, Andrejus; Strazdienė, Viktorija; Stanionytė, Sandra; Krotkus, Arūnas. Band-offsets of GaInAsBi–InP heterojunctions, Infrared physics & technology. ISSN 1350-4495. 2020, vol. 109, art. no. 103400, p. 1-4.

  49. Ragulis, Paulius; Andreev, Dmitrii; De Alleluia, Antonio Breno; Simniškis, Rimantas; Kamarauskas, Mindaugas; Dagys, Mindaugas; Schamiloglu, Edl; [Kancleris, Žilvinas Andrius]. Short-pulse HPM measurements using a resistive sensor, IET microwaves antennas & propagation. ISSN 1751-8725. 2020, vol.14, iss. 13, p. 1655-1661.

  50. de Alleluia, Antonio Breno; Abdelshafy, Ahmed F.; Ragulis, Paulius; Kuskov, Artem; Andreev, Dmitrii; Othman, Mohamed A. K.; Martinez-Hernandez, Braulio; Schamiloglu, Edl; Figotin, Alexander; Capolino, Filippo. Experimental testing of a 3-D-printed metamaterial slow wave structure for high-power microwave generation, IEEE transactions on plasma science. ISSN 0093-3813. 2020, vol. 48, iss. 12, p. 4356-4364.

  51. Seliuta, Dalius; Šlekas, Gediminas; Valušis, Gintaras; Kancleris, Žilvinas Andrius. Fano resonance arising due to direct interaction of plasmonic and lattice modes in a mirrored array of split ring resonators. Optics letters. ISSN 0146-9592. 2019, vol. 44, iss. 4, p. 759-762.

  52. Matijošius, Tadas; Asadauskas, Svajus; Bikulčius, Gedvidas; Selskis, Algirdas; Jankauskas, Sigitas; Višniakov, Jevgenij; Ignatjev, Ilja. Determination of the dye penetration rate in porous aluminum oxide using Raman spectroscopy. Coloration technology. ISSN 1472-3581. 2019, vol. 135, iss. 4, p. 275-282.

  53. Kirsnytė, Monika; Jurkūnas, Marijus; Kancleris, Žilvinas Andrius; Ragulis, Paulius; Simniškis, Rimantas; Vareikis, Aušvydas; Abraitienė, Aušra; Požela, Karolis; Whiteside, Ben; Tuinea-Bobe, Cristina L., Arūnas Stirkė. Investigation of in situ formed conductive polymer composite in adhesive matrix. Synthetic metals. ISSN 0379-6779. 2019, vol. 258, art. no. 116181, p. 1-9.

  54. Andrius Paulauskas, Algirdas Selskis, Virginijus Bukauskas, Viktoras Vaičikauskas, Arūnas Ramanavičius, Zigmas Balevičius. Real time study of amalgam formation and mercury adsorption on thin gold film by total internal reflection ellipsometry. Applied surface science. ISSN 0169-4332. 2018, vol. 427, p. 298-303.

  55. Vitalija Rubežienė, Aušra Abraitienė, Julija Baltušnikaitė-Guzaitienė, Sandra Varnaitė-Žuravliova, Audronė Sankauskaitė, Žilvinas Andrius Kancleris, Paulius Ragulis, Gediminas Šlekas. The influence of distribution and deposit of conductive coating on shielding effectiveness of textiles. Journal of the Textile institute. ISSN 0040-5000. 2018, vol. 109, iss. 3, p. 358-367.

  56. Alfonsas Rėza, Andrius Maneikis, Arūnas Šetkus, Audružis Mironas, Marius Treideris, Mindaugas Kamarauskas, Viktorija Strazdienė, Virginijus Bukauskas. Minimization of optical reflectance by copper assisted etching of crystalline silicon surface. Physica status solidi A - Applications and materials science. ISSN 1862-6300. eISSN 1862-6319. 2018, vol. 215, iss. 6, art. no. 1700600 p.1-9.

  57. Sandra Stanionytė, Vaidas Pačebutas, Bronislovas Čechavičius, Andrius Bičiūnas, Andrejus Geižutis, Virginijus Bukauskas, Renata Butkutė, Arūnas Krotkus. Impact of thermal treatments on epitaxial GayIn1−yAs1−xBi x layers luminescent properties. Journal of materials science. ISSN 0022-2461. 2018, vol. 53, iss. 11, p. 8339-8346.

  58. Andrius Sakavičius, Gvidas Astromskas, Algimantas Lukša, Virginijus Bukauskas, Viktorija Nargelienė, Ieva Matulaitienė, Arūnas Šetkus. Annealing time effect on metal graphene contact properties. ECS journal of solid state science and technology. ISSN 2162-8769. 2018, vol. 7, iss. 5, p. 77-81.

  59. Rokas Gegevičius, Marius Treideris, Vidas Pakštas, Marius Franckevičius, Vidmantas Gulbinas. Oxide layer enhances photocurrent gain of the planar MAPbI3 photodetector. Advanced electronic materials. ISSN 2199-160X. 2018, vol.4, iss. 7, art. no. 1800114, p. 1-7.

  60. Gaidukevič Justina, Pauliukaitė Rasa, Niaura Gediminas, Matulaitienė Ieva, Opuchovič Olga, Radzevič Aneta, Astromskas Gvidas, Bukauskas Virginijus, Barkauskas Jurgis. Synthesis of reduced graphene oxide with adjustable microstructure using regioselective reduction in the melt of boric acid: relationship between structural properties and electrochemical performance. Nanomaterials. ISSN 2079-4991. 2018, vol. 8, no. 11, art. no. 889, p. 1-17.

  61. Minkevičius Linas, Tamošiūnas Vincas, Kojelis Martynas, Žąsinas Ernestas, Bukauskas Virginijus, Šetkus Arūnas, Butkutė Renata, Kašalynas Irmantas, Valušis Gintaras. Influence of field effects on the performance of InGaAs-based terahertz radiation detectors. Journal of infrared, millimeter and terahertz waves. ISSN 1866-6892. vol. 38, iss.6 (2017), p. 689-707.

  62. Jevgenij Višniakov, Andrius Janulevičius, Andrius Maneikis, Ieva Matulaitienė, Algirdas Selskis, Sandra Stanionytė, Artūras Suchodolskis. Antireflection TiO2 coatings on textured surface grown by HiPIMS. Thin solid films. ISSN 0040-6090. vol. 628 (2017), p. 190-195.

  63. Gediminas Šlekas, Paulius Ragulis, Dalius Seliuta, Žilvinas Andrius Kancleris. Using of generalized Goertzel algorithm for FDTD calculation of the transmission and reflection spectra of periodic structures. IEEE transactions on electromagnetic compatibility. ISSN 0018-9375. vol. 59, no.6 (2017), p. 2038-2041.

  64. Ragulis Paulius, Ängskog Per, Simniškis Rimantas, Vallhagen Bengt, Bäckström Mats, Kancleris Žilvinas Andrius. Shielding effectiveness of modern energy-saving glasses and Windows. IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation. ISSN 0018-926X. vol. 65, iss.8 (2017), p. 4250-4258.

  65. Dalius Seliuta, Gediminas Šlekas, Andrius Vaitkūnas, Žilvinas Andrius Kancleris, Gintaras Valušis. Enhancement of higher-order plasmonic modes in a dense array of split-ring resonators. Optics express. ISSN 1094-4087. vol. 25, iss.21 (2017), p. 25113-25124.

  66. Paulius Ragulis, Rimantas Simniškis, Mindaugas Dagys, Žilvinas Andrius Kancleris. Wideband resistive sensors for double-ridged waveguides. IEEE transactions on plasma science. ISSN 0093-3813. vol. 45, no. 10 (2017), p. 2748-2754.