Head of department Dr. Artūras Plukis
phone +370 5 266 1654
Two identical High resolution gamma ray spectrometers
Ion accelerator "Tandetron 4110A“ (General Ionex Corp.)
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Alpha particle spectrometer "Octete Plus"
X-ray spectrometer (Canberra BNLS) https://www.mirion.com/products/ Two X-ray spectrometers and 7905-BWR bellows-sealed windowless retractable cryostat. It has lithium-drifted silicon 30 mm2 active area, sensitive to ionizing radiation, particularly to X-rays and gamma rays. Detector resolution (FWHM) is 165 eV at 5.894 keV for 55Fe X-ray peak; and X-rays Amptek X-123 spectrometer which uses a thermoelectrically cooled Si-PIN junction detector (area – 25 mm2, thickness – 0.5 mm), that transmits signals via pre-amplifier to digital pulse processor DP5, consisting of shaping – amplifier and a multichannel analyzer. Before entering detector, the incident photons pass a protective 25 μm Be foil and a collimator. |
FHT 770 T6 low level α, β counter (Thermo Scientific) |
Four 239PuBe neutron sources with a total activity of 5.7·107 n.s-1 and storage device of the neutron sources The neutrons are used for irradiation and for educational (material composition determination via activation, life time experiments, coincidence experiments and other) purposes. The neutron source storage device is the cylindrical well 0.6 m of diameter, 1.8 m of depth under the ground, which is filled by polyethylene matrix as moderator. The neutron sources are placed in central channel of the well and two vertical experimental channels are situated 15 cm and 20 cm from the source to obtain different neutron flux characteristics during irradiation experiments. |
Two identical GC2520 series HPGe coaxial detectors (Canberra) https://www.mirion.com/products/germanium-detectors With a relative efficiency of 25%, and with an energy resolution of 2.0 keV at the energy of 1.33 MeV are used for identification and/or quantification of radionuclides by analysis of the gamma-ray energy spectrum. This method is widely used in the environmental radioactivity monitoring, worker health monitoring, reactor corrosion monitoring, forensic examination, nuclear medicine, material testing, monitoring of industrial processes. An electronic setup includes a high-voltage power supply, a preamplifier, a spectroscopy amplifier, and a analog-to-digital converter (Canberra), driven by a PC with the software GENNIE2K for the analysis. |
Single stage accelerator mass spectrometer (SSAMS, NEC, USA) | ![]() |
Elemental analyzer (EA, Vario Isotope Select, Elementar, GmbH) |
Automated Graphitization Equipment AGE 3 (IonPlus AG) |
High resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer with the laser ablation system (ELEMENT-2 (ThermoFinnigan AB) with imput system:
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Isotope ratio mass spectrometers (Thermo Finnigan Delta plus Advantage, Thermo Scientific Delta V Advantage) connected with input devices | ![]() |
Gas chromatograph (Trace GC ultra) for δ13C, δ15N ratio analysis of liquid and gaseous samples, sample preparation and measurements of amino and fatty acids |
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Elemental analyzer (Thermo Flash EA 1112) for δ13C, δ15N, δ34S ratio analysis of the solid samples |
GasBench II (Thermo Scientific) for δ13C and δ18O ratio in carbonates, water, CO2, DIC (dissolved inorganic carbon) | ![]() |
TC/EA high temperature conversion elemental analyzer (Thermo Scientific) for δ18O and D/H ratio determination of all organic compounds and water |
Mössbauer spectrometer (Wissenschaftliche elektronik GMBH)
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Closed cycle helium cryostat (6 – 300 K) |
Vacuum furnace (300 – 1000 K) |
Ball-milling equipment
Software | |
In the Experimental Nuclear Physics Laboratory of CPST the MCNP6, MCNPX, SCALE 6.2, GEANT4 program packages are used for different applications solving tasks of particle interaction with material.
Fig. a |
Codes of calculation of few body systems: parallel code for calculation of 3-5 particle harmonic oscillator brackets, which is used for description of few fermion systems; and code for parameter calculation of 3-6 nucleon systems. Intended for calculation of binding energies and other parameters of the lightest atomic nuclei.
Methods |
Fig. b
Based on laboratory experiments, the fix-bed column of biosorbent was applied to pre-concentrate plutonium from fresh water basins. This approaching equipment allowed to determine plutonium with lower input of chemical reagents and was labour as well as time consuming. |
Projects 2017-2021
Project: |
Main project features: |
The pre-disposal management of radioactive waste – (PREDIS) Year: 2020 09 – 2024 08 (ongoing) Client: EU |
The project targets the development and implementation of activities for pre-disposal treatment of radioactive waste streams other than nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste. FTMC participates in: WP 2 Strategic Implementation WP4 Innovations in metallic material treatment and conditioning
European Joint Resaarch Programme in the managemet and disposal of radiactive waste (EURAD) Year: 2019 06 – 2024 05 (ongoing) Client: EU |
European collaboration towards safe RWM, including disposal, through the development of a robust and sustained science, technology and knowledge management programme that supports timely implementation of RWM activities and serves to foster mutual understanding and trust between Joint Programme participants. FTMC participates in: WP 3 Cement-Organic-Radionuclide-Interactions (CORI)– WP 8 Spent Fuel Characterization and Evolution Until Disposal (SFC WP 9 Waste management routes in Europe from cradle to grave (ROUTES) WP 10 Uncertainty Management multi-Actor Network (UMAN) |
Coordination and Support Action “Towards a Joint Programming on Radioactive Waste Disposal” (JOPRAD) Year: 2015 11 – 2017 11 Client: EU |
The overall aims of the JOPRAD are to assess the feasibility and, if appropriate, to generate a proposal for Joint Programming in the field of Radioactive Waste Management and Disposal in Europe. It also includes Research Development & Demonstration (RD&D) activities, with the accompanying Knowledge Management Programme and its “horizontal activities”, namely establishing a state-of-the-knowledge handbook coupled with education, training, strategic studies, guidance, transfer of knowledge to less advanced programmes, as well as dissemination. |
International Project on Irradiated Graphite Processing Approaches (GRAPA) Year: 2016 11 – 2022 11 (ongoing) Client: IAEA |
The objective of the project is to support Member States in resolving irradiated graphite management up to industrial implementation of processing technologies.
Assistance to INPP by Technical Support Organisations in the Field of Radiological Characterisation for Block A1 (Reactor and auxiliary systems) Year: 2016 03 – 2018 06 Client: EC, Ignalina NPP |
The objective of the project is to advance preparations for the dismantling of Block A1 (Unit 1 reactor and related systems) by targeted technical assistance to INPP’s staff.
Joint Programming on Radioactive Waste Disposal (JOPRAD). Year: 2016 – 2018 Client: Europian Commission |
The objective of the project is to repare a proposal for the setting up of a “Joint Programming on Radioactive Waste Disposal”, to bring together at the European level, those aspects of R&D activities implemented within national research programmes where synergy from Joint Programming is identified. |
Baltic Region Initiative for Long Lasting InnovAtive Nuclear Technologies (BRILLIANT). Year: 2015 07 – 2018 07 Client: Europian Commission |
The project aims to provide coordination and support activities in the frame of the nuclear technologies in Baltic region.
Implantation and analysis of semiconductors structures by high energy ions Year: 2017.07.20-2017.08.21 Client: UAB "Teravil" |
The aim of the work was to tune some particular parameters (carrier life time etc.) of manufactured complex GaAs structure to desired values , i.e. to perform device parameters tuning after the last stage of its production using specific high energy ions implantation to the exact place inside the GaAs structure. |
Support to State Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (VATESI) in Review of Documents Related to Licensing of Ignalina NPP Decommissioning Activities. Support to the Assessment of Decommissioning of the Ignalina NPP Year: 2009 - 2017 Client: VATESI, Lithuania |
Support to VATESI in review of documents related to licensing of Ignalina NPP decommissioning activities (Decommissioning Project for INPP Unit 2 Final Shutdown and Defuelling Phase; Ignalina NPP Unit 1 Turbine Hall Equipment Decontamination and Dismantling Basic Design; INPP Boiler House Equipment Dismantling and Decontamination Design Development, Safety Justification Report; New Solid Waste Retrieval Facility (B2) аt Ignalina NPP, Preliminary Safety Assessment Report; Disposal Units for Short-lived Very Low Level Waste, Preliminary Safety Assessment Report; Storage of solid radioactive waste at INPP Buildings 155, 155/1, 157 and 157/1, Safety analysis Report; Interim storage of bituminized radioactive waste at INPP Building 158, Safety analysis Report; Interim Storage Facility for RBMK Spent Nuclear Fuel Assemblies from Ignalina NPP Units 1 and 2 (B1), Preliminary Safety Assessment Report; Buffer storage facility for very low level (VLL) radioactive waste, Safety Analysis Report). |
Project: |
Main project features: |
Joint Programming on Radioactive Waste Disposal (JOPRAD) Year: 2016 – 2018 Client: Europian Commission |
The objective of the project is to repare a proposal for the setting up of a “Joint Programming on Radioactive Waste Disposal”, to bring together at the European level, those aspects of R&D activities implemented within national research programmes where synergy from Joint Programming is identified. |
Baltic Region Initiative for Long Lasting InnovAtive Nuclear Technologies (BRILLIANT) Year: 2015 07 – 2018 07 Client: Europian Commission |
The project aims to provide coordination and support activities in the frame of the nuclear technologies in Baltic region.
Preparation ofthe report of periodic safety assessment of Maišiagala radioactive waste storage Year: 2015 04 – 2016 10 Client: RATA (radioactive waste management agency), Lithuania |
Preparation of periodic safety assessment report of Maišiagala RADON type near surface radioative waste storage facility.
Nuclear Safety Cooperation with the Regulatory Authorities of Brazil (CNEN) Year: 2015 Client: CNEN, Brazil |
Provision of technical support for the Regulatory Authorities of Brazil (CNEN) in evaluation of radiological inventory for Angra 2 PWR type reactor to obtain source term for accidental releases from Angra 2. |
Support to State Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (VATESI) in Review of Documents Related to Licensing of Ignalina NPP Decommissioning Activities. Support to the Assessment of Decommissioning of the Ignalina NPP Year: 2009 - 2017 Client: VATESI, Lithuania |
Support to VATESI in review of documents related to licensing of Ignalina NPP decommissioning activities (Decommissioning Project for INPP Unit 2 Final Shutdown and Defuelling Phase; Ignalina NPP Unit 1 Turbine Hall Equipment Decontamination and Dismantling Basic Design; INPP Boiler House Equipment Dismantling and Decontamination Design Development, Safety Justification Report; New Solid Waste Retrieval Facility (B2) аt Ignalina NPP, Preliminary Safety Assessment Report; Disposal Units for Short-lived Very Low Level Waste, Preliminary Safety Assessment Report; Storage of solid radioactive waste at INPP Buildings 155, 155/1, 157 and 157/1, Safety analysis Report; Interim storage of bituminized radioactive waste at INPP Building 158, Safety analysis Report; Interim Storage Facility for RBMK Spent Nuclear Fuel Assemblies from Ignalina NPP Units 1 and 2 (B1), Preliminary Safety Assessment Report; Buffer storage facility for very low level (VLL) radioactive waste, Safety Analysis Report).
Scientific technical assistance with "Numerical evaluation of response of the neutron probe in geological structure” Year: 2014 Client: UAB „Minijos Nafta” |
Development of numerical evaluation of neutron sounding response in the geological structures. |
11c. Evaluation of the material backlog and radiological inventory of KNPP Units 1-4 Year: 2012 01 – 2016 09 Client: DP RAO, Bulgaria |
Provision of technical support for Kozloduy NPP and DP RAO in evaluation of radiological inventory of the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant Units 1 to 4 for the decommissioning purposes.
TACIS, G3.01/06 (GE/RA/02), Transfer of European Regulatory Methodology and Practices to the Nuclear Safety Authority of Georgia. Contract N° 132-897 (Contract between the EC and Riskaudit) Year: 2008 12 – 2009 06 Client: Nuclear Safety Authority of Georgia |
The aim was to assist for the Nuclear Safety Authority of Georgia in order to improve Georgian Radiation safety laws to correspond the best practice of the European Countries Nuclear Regulatory.
7th Euroatom Framework Programme, Treatment and Disposal of Irradiated Graphite and Other Carbonaceous Waste (CARBOWASTE) Year: 2008 04 – 2013 03 Client: European Commission |
CARBOWASTE focuses on treatment and disposal of irradiated graphite and other carbonaceous waste. The further goal of experiments on irradiated nuclear graphite is developing a prototype installation for the decontamination of graphite so the radioactive waste has a lower volume and eventually the graphite can be reused. |
7th Euroatom Framework Programme, Redox Phenomena Controlling Systems (ReCosy) Year: 2008 – 2012 Client: European Commission |
The aim was the sound understanding of redox phenomena controlling the long-term release/retention of radionuclides in nuclear waste disposal and providing tools to apply the result to Performance Assessment/Safety Case. |
Ion implantation technologies for the optimization of the relaxation time of the charge carries of InGaAs quantum wells Year: 2015.06.23-2015.09.30 Client: UAB „ Ekspla” |
The passive mode-locking with the nonlinear Kerr effect in an optical fiber when the intensity-dependent change of the polarization state combined with the intra-cavity polarizer acts as an artificial saturable absorber usually is used to achieve generation of ultrashort laser pulses. The reliable self-starting mode-locking can be achieved by introducing a Semiconductor Saturable Absorber Mirrors (SESAM). For operational wavelength of the Yb-doped fiber lasers, a SESAM based on the InxGa1-xAs/GaAs super-lattice saturable absorber and AlAs/GaAs Bragg mirror is a common choice, but its long term reliability is still an unsolved problem. It is possible to control operational parameters (recovery time, saturation fluence, modulation depth, absorption wavelength) of a SESAM by controlling the growth parameters of the semiconductor material and properly choosing the cavity design. Typical carrier recombination time for a bulk semiconductor material is usually up to ns, but for a stable modelocking of a fiber laser it should be reduced down to a few ps. It this work it was done by the H, O, As ions implantation at various energy into InxGa1-xAs quantum well region after the growing process of the complete structure. The influence of the type and energy of the ions on the main parameters dynamics of SESAM structures were revealed and advices for more stable and more effective energy-saving structures production were proposed. |
Implantation and analysis of semiconductors structures by high energy ions Year: 2012.12.17-2013.01.17 Client: UAB "Teravil" |
Local injection of high energy ions to semiconductors structures at various flows leads to introduction of considerable amount of impurities at high velocity that could imply formation of new material not in thermodynamic equilibrium bypassing normal chemical solubility rules. That provides a possibility to achieve defects just in desired place of the sample and at levels, which are inaccessible by conventional treatment. Therefore, implantation process might be performed to tune properties (e.g., carrier lifetime, breakdown voltages, etc.) of complex semiconductor structures or devices locally and at desired depth after their synthesis is finished. The aim of the work was to tune some particular parameters (carrier life time etc.) of manufactured complex GaAs structure to desired values , i.e. to perform device parameters tuning after the last stage of its production using specific high energy ions implantation to the exact place inside the GaAs structure. To reach this goal, computer simulation of this GaAs structure were implemented to obtain preliminary parameters for ion implantation. Subsequently, ion implantation was performed and GaAs structures properties were modified. After high energy ions implantation wanted parameters of the complete GaAs device were reached and its proper functionality was demonstrated during final test. |
Implantation and analysis of semiconductors structures by high energy ions Year: 2017.07.20-2017.08.21 Client: UAB "Teravil" |
The aim of the work was to tune some particular parameters (carrier life time etc.) of manufactured complex GaAs structure to desired values , i.e. to perform device parameters tuning after the last stage of its production using specific high energy ions implantation to the exact place inside the GaAs structure. |
Copilas-Ciocianu, Denis; Garbaras, Andrius; Šidagytė-Copilas, Eglė. Invasive Ponto‐Caspian amphipods are less carnivorous outside their native range/Limnology and oceanography. ISSN 0024-3590. 2024, vol. 69, iss. 9, p. 1984-1996.
Čeponis, Tomas; Deveikis, Laimonas; Kovalevskij, Vitalij; Mickevičius, Jūras; Rumbauskas, Vytautas; Gaubas, Eugenijus. Contactless spectroscopy of photoactive centres in sapphire and nitride layered structures/Optical materials. ISSN 0925-3467. 2024, vol. 154, art. no. 115641, p. 1-10.
Liénart, Camilla; Fournioux, Alan; Garbaras, Andrius; Lheureux, Arnaud; Blanchet, Hugues; Briant, Nicolas; Dubois, Stanislas F.; Gangnery, Aline; Grouhel Pellouin, Anne; Le Monier, Pauline; De Montaudouin, Xavier; Savoye, Nicolas. Bivalve tissues as a recorder of multidecadal global anthropogenic and climate‐mediated change in coastal areas/Limnology and oceanography letters. ISSN 2378-2242. 2024, vol. 9, iss. 5, p. 653-666
Stepšys, Augustinas; Mickevičius, Saulius; Germanas, Darius; Kalinauskas, Ramutis Kazys. Algebraic approach to the nuclear few-body systems/Few-body systems. ISSN 0177-7963. 2024, vol. 65, iss. 3, art. no. 67, p. 1-14.
Maceika, Evaldas; Kazakevičiūtė-Jakučiūnienė, Laima; Žukauskaitė, Zita; Prokopčiuk, Nina; Konstantinova, Marina; Dudoitis, Vadimas; Tarasyuk, Nikolay. Study of the biogas ebullition from lacustrine carbonate enriched and black silt bottom sediments/Water. ISSN 2073-4441. 2024, vol. 16, iss. 24, art. no. 3608, p. 1-16.
Butkevič, Ernest; Raudonytė-Svirbutavičienė, Eva; Mažeika, Kęstutis; Pankratov, Vladimir; Popov, Anatoli I.; Kareiva, Aivaras; Žarkov, Aleksej. Amorphous calcium phosphate as a precursor for the synthesis of GdPO4⋅nH2O nanostructures/Ceramics international. ISSN 0272-8842. 2025, vol. 51, iss. 2, p. 1774-1781.
Judžentienė, Asta; Zdaniauskienė, Agnė; Ignatjev, Ilja; Druteikienė, Rūta. Evaluation of physico-chemical characteristics of cement superplasticizer based on polymelamine sulphonate//Materials. eISSN 1996-1944. 2024, vol. 17, iss. 9, art. no. 1940, p. 1-13.
Mašalaitė-Nalivaikė, Agnė; Garbarienė, Inga; Garbaras, Andrius; Šapolaitė, Justina; Ežerinskis, Žilvinas; Bučinskas, Laurynas; Dudoitis, Vadimas; Kalinauskaitė, Audrė; Pashneva, Daria; Minderytė, Agnė; Remeikis, Vidmantas; Byčenkienė, Steigvilė. Dual-isotope ratios of carbonaceous aerosols for seasonal observation and their assessment as source indicators//Science of the total environment. ISSN 0048-9697. 2024, vol. 949, art. no. 175094, p. 1-15.
Mažeika, Kęstutis; Melvydas, Vytautas; Čepukoit, Dovilė. Reduction of ferric chloride in yeast growth media, by sugars and aluminum//Inorganics. eISSN 2304-6740. 2024, vol. 12, iss. 5, art. no. 137, p. 1-12.
Karlson, Agnes M. L.; Kautsky, Nils; Granberg, Matilda; Garbaras, Andrius; Lim, Hwanmi; Liénart, Camilla. Resource partitioning of a Mexican clam in species-poor Baltic Sea sediments indicates the existence of a vacant trophic niche//Scientific reports. eISSN 2045-2322. 2024, vol. 14, iss. 1, art. no. 12527, p. 1-11.
Hixon, Sean W.; Fernandes, Ricardo; Andriamahaihavana, Antonin; Baden, Andrea L.; Blanco, Marina B.; Caulier, Guillaume; Dammhahn, Melanie; Eeckhaut, Igor; Eppley, Timothy M.; Frédérich, Bruno; Ganzhorn, Jörg U.; Garbaras, Andrius; Gibson, Dean; Goodman, Steven M.; Irwin, Mitchell; Kelley, Elizabeth A.; Michel, Loïc N.; Lepoint, Gilles; Loudon, James E.; Mittelheiser, Laurent; Rakotondranary, Jacques; Rasamisoa, Delaïd C.; Rasolofonirina, Richard; Ratovonamana, Yedidya; Razafindramanana, Josia; Reisdorff, Christoph; Sponheimer, Matt; Terrana, Lucas; Vasey, Natalie; Crowley, Brooke E. Introducing IsoMad, a compilation of isotopic datasets for Madagascar//Scientific data. eISSN 2052-4463. 2024, vol. 11, iss. 1, art. no. 857, p. 1-8.
Radzevičius, Sigitas; Raczyński, Paweł; Garbaras, Andrius; Cichon-Pupienis, Anna Katarzyna; Želvys, Tomas. Integrated stratigraphy of the Llandovery-Wenlock Boundary in the Łopianka–2 outcrop of the Sudeten Mountains, southwest Poland//Lethaia. ISSN 0024-1164. 2024, vol. 57, iss. 2, p. 1-9.
Steponaviciene, Rita; Maceika, Evaldas; Kesminiene, Ausrele; Smailytė, Giedrė. Recent insights into trends of thyroid cancer incidence in Lithuanian population exposed to Chernobyl fallout early in life//Ecotoxicology and environmental safety. ISSN 0147-6513. 2024, vol. 283, art. no. 116789, p. 1-9.
Ledesma, Matias; Gorokhova, Elena; Nybom, Inna; Sobek, Anna; Ahlström, Daniel; Garbaras, Andrius; Karlson, Agnes ML. Does pre-exposure to polluted sediment affect sub-cellular to population-level responses to contaminant exposure in a sentinel species? // Environmental pollution. ISSN 0269-7491. 2024, vol. 341, art. no. 122882, p. 1-11.
Pelikan, Lars; Šidagytė-Copilas, Eglė; Garbaras, Andrius; Jourdan, Jonas, Copilas-Ciocianu, Denis. Competitive interaction in headwaters: slow upstream migration leads to trophic competition between native and non-native amphipods // Neobiota. ISSN 1619-0033. 2024, vol. 90, p. 193-216.
Dahl, Martin; Gullström, Martin; Bernabeu, Irene; Serrano, Oscar; Leiva‐Dueñas, Carmen; Linderholm, Hans W.; Asplund, Maria E.; Björk, Mats; Ou, Tinghai; Svensson, J. Robin; Andrén, Elinor; Andrén, Thomas; Bergman, Sanne; Braun, Sara; Eklöf, Anneli; Ežerinskis, Žilvinas; Garbaras, Andrius; Hällberg, Petter; Löfgren, Elin; Kylander, Malin E.; Masqué, Pere; Šapolaitė, Justina; Smittenberg, Rienk; Mateo, Miguel A. A 2,000‐year record of Eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) colonization shows substantial gains in blue carbon storage and nutrient retention // Global biogeochemical cycles. ISSN 0886-6236. 2024, vol. 38, iss. 3, art. no. e2023GB008039, p. 1-19.
Antoine, Pierre-Olivier; Wieringa, Linde N.; Adnet, Sylvain; Aguilera, Orangel; Bodin, Stéphanie C.; Cairns, Stephen; Conejeros-Vargas, Carlos A.; Cornée, Jean-Jacques; Ežerinskis, Žilvinas; Fietzke, Jan; Gribenski, Natacha O.; Grouard, Sandrine; Hendy, Austin; Hoorn, Carina; Joannes-Boyau, Renaud; Langer, Martin R.; Luque, Javier; Marivaux, Laurent; Moissette, Pierre; Nooren, Kees; Quillévéré, Frédéric; Šapolaitė, Justina; Sciumbata, Matteo; Valla, Pierre G.; Witteveen, Nina H.; Casanova, Alexandre; Clavier, Simon; Bidgrain, Philibert; Gallay, Marjorie; Rhoné, Mathieu; Heuret, Arnauld. A Late Pleistocene coastal ecosystem in French Guiana was hyperdiverse relative to today // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). ISSN 0027-8424. 2024, vol. 121, no. 14, art. no. e2311597121, p. 1-11.
Piličiauskienė, Giedrė; Skipitytė, Raminta; Micelicaitė, Viktorija; Blaževičius, Povilas. Dogs in Lithuania from the 12th to 18th C AD: diet and health according to stable isotope, zooarchaeological, and historical data // Animals. eISSN 2076-2615. 2024, vol. 14, iss. 7, art. no. 1023, p. 1-28.
Bučinskas, Laurynas; Garbarienė, Inga; Mašalaitė-Nalivaikė, Agnė; Šapolaitė, Justina; Ežerinskis, Žilvinas; Jasinevičienė, Dalia; Remeikis, Vidmantas; Garbaras, Andrius. Dual carbon and sulfur isotopes as tracers of PM1 pollution sources after COVID-19 confinement in Vilnius, Lithuania // Urban climate. ISSN 2212-0955. 2024, vol. 55, art. no. 101894, p. 1-14.
Lukashanets, Dzmitry; Petkuvienė, Jolita; Barisevičiūtė, Rūta. The significance of recent glacial history for the limno-terrestrial microfauna in Trygghamna (Svalbard, High Arctic) // Polar biology. ISSN 0722-4060. 2023, vol. 46, iss. 11, p. 1175-1190.
Barisevičiūtė, Rūta; Mažeika, Jonas; Maceika, Evaldas; Juodis, Laurynas; Rakauskas, Vytautas; Jefanova, Olga; Ežerinskis, Žilvinas; Šapolaitė, Justina; Butkus, Laurynas; Remeikis, Vidmantas. What cooling pond sediments can reveal about 14C in nuclear power plant liquid effluents: Case study Lake Drūkšiai, Ignalina nuclear power plant cooling pond // PLoS one. ISSN 1932-6203. 2023, vol. 18, iss. 10, art. no. e0285531, p. 1-15.
Kurila, Laurynas Vytis; Piličiauskienė, Giedrė; Simčenka, Edvardas; Miliauskienė, Žydrūnė; Ežerinskis, Žilvinas; Šapolaitė, Justina; Garbaras, Andrius. New human bone radiocarbon dates from the Roman Period–Migration Period Lithuanian cemeteries // Radiocarbon. ISSN 0033-8222. 2023, vol. 65, iss. 2, p. 411-429.
Stankevič, Valdemar; Karosas, Jonas; Gvozdaitė, Rasa; Račiukaitis, Gediminas; Gečys, Paulius. Etching peculiarities in sapphire induced by double-pulse irradiation with variable delay and crossed polarisation//Optics & laser technology. ISSN 0030-3992. 2023, vol. 167, art.no. 109620, p. 1-11.
Garankin, Jevgenij; Plukis, Artūras; Grinevičiūtė, Lina. Optimization of neutron and gamma particles separation in polyethylene naphthalate scintillation detector//IEEE transactions on nuclear science. ISSN 0018-9499. 2023, vol. 70, iss. 1, p. 58-63.
Garbaras, Andrius; Garbarienė, Inga; Bučinskas, Laurynas; Šapolaitė, Justina; Ežerinskis, Žilvinas; Matijošius, Jonas; Rimkus, Alfredas; Remeikis, Vidmantas. Characterization of particulate matter emissions from internal combustion engines using δ13C values: Impact of engine operation conditions and fuel type on PM10 isotopic composition//Atmospheric pollution research. ISSN 1309-1042. 2023, vol. 14, iss. 9, art. no. 101868, p. 1-9.
Nacys, Antanas; Šimkūnaitė, Dijana; Balčiūnaitė, Aldona; Zabielaitė, Aušrinė; Upskuvienė, Daina; Levinas, Ramūnas; Jasulaitienė, Vitalija; Kovalevskij, Vitalij; Šimkūnaitė-Stanynienė, Birutė; Tamašauskaitė-Tamašiūnaitė, Loreta; Norkus, Eugenijus. Pt-coated Ni layer supported on Ni foam for enhanced electro-oxidation of formic acid//Materials. eISSN 1996-1944. 2023, vol. 16, iss. 19, art. no. 6427, p. 1-4.
Prokopčiuk, Nina; Juškienė, Izabelė; Tarasiuk, Nikolaj; Franck, Ulrich; Kostiuk, Olena; Valiulis, Algirdas; Taminskienė, Vaida; Valiulis, Arūnas. On the additional risk for human health in the use of sandblasting of building walls // Environmental science and pollution research. ISSN 0944-1344. 2023, vol. 30, p. 56558-56568.
Lujanienė, Galina; Novikau, Raman; Leščinskytė, Agnė; Mažeika, Kęstutis; Pakštas, Vidas; Tumėnas, Saulius; Skapas, Martynas; Šilobritienė, Beata. Prussian blue composites for Cs adsorption – modification of the method and modelling of the adsorption processes // Journal of radioanalytical and nuclear chemistry. ISSN 0236-5731. 2023, vol. 332, p. 1033-1045.
Ledesma, Matias; Gorokhova, Elena; Garbaras, Andrius; Röjning, Linda; Brena, Beatriz; Karlson, Agnes M. L. High capacity for a dietary specialist consumer population to cope with increasing cyanobacterial blooms // Scientific reports. ISSN 2045-2322. 2022, vol. 12, art. no. 22169, p. 1-3.
Balčiauskas, Linas; Garbaras, Andrius; Stirkė, Vitalijus; Skipitytė, Raminta; Balčiauskienė, Laima. Isotopic space of the house mouse in the gradient of anthropogenic habitats // Diversity. eISSN 1424-2818. 2023, vol. 15, art. no. 173, p. 1-13.
Barisevičiūtė, Rūta; Rakauskas, Vytautas; Virbickas, Tomas; Ežerinskis, Žilvinas; Šapolaitė, Justina; Remeikis, Vidmantas. Analysis of radiocarbon distribution in the eutrophic lake fish assemblage using stable C, N, S isotopes // Radiocarbon. ISSN 0033-8222. 2023, vol. 65, iss. 1, p. 29-40.
Liénart, Camilla; Tedengren, Michael; Garbaras, Andrius; Lim, Hwanmi; Chynel, Mathias; Robinson, Christophe; Meziane, Tarik; Karlson, Agnes M.L. Diet quality determines blue mussel physiological status: A long-term experimental multi-biomarker approach // Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology. ISSN 0022-0981. 2023, vol. 563, art. no. 151894, p. 1-14.
Cappelletti, David; Ežerinskis, Žilvinas; Šapolaitė, Justina; Bučinskas, Laurynas; Luks, Bartłomiej; Nawrot, Adam; Larose, Catherine; Tuccella, Paolo; Gallet, Jean Charles; Crocchianti, Stefano; Bruschi, Federica; Moroni, Beatrice; Spolaor, Andrea. Long-range transport and deposition on the Arctic snowpack of nuclear contaminated particulate matter // Journal of hazardous materials. ISSN 0304-3894. 2023, vol. 452, art. no. 131317, p. 1-11.
Karoblis, Dovydas; Mažeika, Kęstutis; Raudonis, Rimantas; Žarkov, Aleksej; Kareiva, Aivaras. Sol-Gel synthesis and characterization of yttrium-doped MgFe2O4 spine // Materials. ISSN 1996-1944. 2022, vol. 15, iss. 21, art. no. 7547, p. 1-10.
Juodis, Laurynas; Maceika, Evaldas; Barisevičiūtė, Rūta; Pabedinskas, Algirdas; Ežerinskis, Žilvinas; Šapolaitė, Justina; Plukis, Artūras; Remeikis, Vidmantas. Radiocarbon generation and atmospheric release assessment from nuclear power plant with RBMK type reactors // Nuclear engineering and design. ISSN 0029-5493. 2022, vol. 394, art. no. 111822, p. 1-10.
Šermukšnis, Emilis; Jorudas, Justinas; Šimukovič, Artūr; Kovalevskij, Vitalij; Kašalynas, Irmantas. Self-heating of annealed Ti/Al/Ni/Au contacts to two-dimensional electron gas in AlGaN/GaN heterostructures // Applied sciences. eISSN 2076-3417. 2022, vol. 12, iss. 21, art. no. 11079, p. 1-17.
Piličiauskienė, Giedrė; Kurila, Laurynas Vytis; Ežerinskis, Žilvinas; Šapolaitė, Justina; Garbaras, Andrius; Zagurskytė, Aurelija; Micelicaitė, Viktorija. Horses in Lithuania in the Late Roman–Medieval period (3rd–14th C AD) burial sites: updates on size, age and dating // Animals. eISSN 2076-2615. 2022, vol. 12, iss. 12, art. no. 1549, p. 1-25.
Lujanienė, Galina; Novikau, Raman; Joel, Edith Flora; Karalevičiūtė, Karolina; Šemčuk, Sergej; Mažeika, Kęstutis; Talaikis, Martynas; Pakštas, Vidas; Tumėnas, Saulius; Mažeika, Jonas; Jokšas, Kęstutis. Preparation of graphene oxide-maghemite-chitosan composites for the adsorption of europium Ions from aqueous solutions // Molecules. ISSN 1420-3049. 2022, vol. 27, iss. 22, art. no. 8035, p. 1-20.
Linauskienė, Kotryna; Dahlin, Jakob; Ežerinskis, Žilvinas; Isaksson, Marlene; Šapolaitė, Justina; Malinauskienė, Laura. The penetration of chromium: an up-to-date 0.5% potassium dichromate vehicle comparison // Dermatitis. ISSN 1710-3568. 2022, vol. 33, no. 5, p. 368-372.
Garbarienė, Inga; Pauraitė-Dudek, Julija; Pashneva, Daria; Minderytė, Agnė; Šarka, Karolis; Dudoitis, Vadimas; Davulienė, Lina; Gaspariūnas, Mindaugas; Kovalevskij, Vitalij; Lingis, Danielius; Bučinskas, Laurynas; Šapolaitė, Justina; Ežerinskis, Žilvinas; Mainelis, Gedi; Ovadnevaitė, Jurgita; Kecorius, Simonas; Plauškaitė-Šukienė, Kristina; Byčenkienė, Steigvilė. Indoor-outdoor relationship of submicron particulate matter in mechanically ventilated building: Chemical composition, sources and infiltration factor // Building and environment. ISSN 0360-1323. 2022, vol. 222, art. no. 109429, p. 1-16.
Balčiauskas, Linas; Stirkė, Vitalijus; Garbaras, Andrius; Skipitytė, Raminta; Balčiauskienė, Laima. Stable isotope analysis supports omnivory in bank voles in apple orchards // Agriculture. ISSN 2077-0472. 2022, vol. 12, iss. 9, art. no. 1308.
Butkus, Laurynas; Šapolaitė, Justina; Garbarienė, Inga; Garbaras, Andrius; Bučinskas, Laurynas; Pabedinskas, Algirdas; Remeikis, Vidmantas; Ežerinskis, Žilvinas. Development of graphitization method for low carbon aerosol filter samples with Automated Graphitization System AGE-3 // Applied radiation and isotopes. ISSN 0969-8043. 2022, vol. 190, art. no. 110461, p. 1-6.
Novikau, Raman; Lujanienė, Galina; Pakštas, Vidas; Talaikis, Martynas; Mažeika, Kęstutis; Drabavičius, Audrius; Naujokaitis, Arnas; Šemčuk, Sergej. Adsorption of caesium and cobalt ions on the muscovite mica clay-graphene oxide-γ-Fe2O3-Fe3O4 composite // Environmental science and pollution research. ISSN 0944-1344. 2022, vol. 29, iss. 49, p. 74933-74950.
Januškevičius, Justinas; Stankevičiūtė, Živilė; Baltrūnas, Dalis Antanas; Mažeika, Kęstutis; Murauskas, Tomas; Drabavičius, Audrius; Kareiva, Aivaras. Membrane-assisted synthesis of selected mixed-metal ferrite nanotubes using sol-gel derived precursors // Solid state sciences. ISSN 1293-2558. 2022, vol. 132, art. no. 106983, p. 1-10.
Lingis, Danielius; Gaspariūnas, Mindaugas; Kovalevskij, Vitalij; Plukis, Artūras; Remeikis, Vidmantas. A model to simulate large angle Rutherford backscattering spectra in GEANT4. Computer physics communications. ISSN 0010-4655. 2022, vol. 271, art. no.108187, p. 1-12.
Källberg Normark, Lydia; Liénart, Camilla; Pillay, Deena; Garbaras, Andrius; Savage, Candida; Karlson, Agnes ML. Isotopic niche size variability in an ecosystem engineer along a disturbance gradient in a South African lagoon. Marine environmental research. ISSN 0141-1136. 2022, vol. 173, art. no. 105541, p. 1-10.
Pakalniškis, Andrius; Skaudžius, Ramūnas; Zhaludkevich, D.V.; Latushka, S.I.; Sikolenko, V.; Sysa, A.V.; Silibin, M.; Mažeika, Kęstutis; Baltrūnas, Dalis Antanas; Niaura, Gediminas; Talaikis, Martynas; Karpinsky, D.V.; Kareiva, Aivaras. Pressure induced phase transitions in Sm-doped BiFeO3 in the morphotropic phase boundary. Materials chemistry and physics. ISSN 0254-0584. 2022, vol. 277, art. no. 125458, p. 1-10.
Mašalaitė-Nalivaikė, Agnė; Byčenkienė, Steigvilė; Pauraitė, Julija; Garbarienė, Inga; el Haddad, I.; Bozzetti, C.; Jaffrezo, J.L.; Besombes, J.L.; Plauškaitė-Šukienė, Kristina; Garbaras, Andrius; Šapolaitė, Justina; Ežerinskis, Žilvinas; Dudoitis, Vadimas; Barisevičiūtė, Rūta; Ulevičius, Vidmantas; Prevot, A.S.H.; Remeikis, Vidmantas. Seasonal observation and source apportionment of carbonaceous aerosol from forested rural site (Lithuania). Atmospheric environment. ISSN 1352-2310. 2022, vol. 272, art. no. 118934, p. 1-12.
Rinkevičiūtė, Simona; Stankevič, Robertas; Radzevičius, Sigitas; Meidla, Tonu; Garbaras, Andrius; Spiridonov, Andrej. Dynamics of ostracod communities throughout the Mulde/lundgreni event: contrasting patterns of species richness and palaeocommunity compositional change. Journal of the Geological Society. ISSN 0016-7649. 2021, vol. 179, no. 1, art. no. jgs2021-039, p. 1-14.
Dudutis, Juozas; Zubauskas, Laimis; Daknys, Eimantas; Markauskas, Edgaras; Gvozdaitė, Rasa; Račiukaitis, Gediminas; Gečys, Paulius. Quality and flexural strength of laser-cut glass: classical top-down ablation versus water-assisted and bottom-up machining. Optics express. eISSN 1094-4087. 2022, vol. 30, iss. 3, p. 4564-4582.
Lagzdina, Elena; Lingis, Danielius; Plukis, Artūras; Plukienė, Rita; Germanas, Darius; Garbaras, Andrius; Garankin, Jevgenij; Gudelis, Arūnas; Ignatjev, Ilja; Niaura, Gediminas; Krutovcov, Sergej; Remeikis, Vidmantas. Structural and radiological characterization of irradiated RBMK-1500 reactor graphite. Nuclear engineering and technology. ISSN 1738-5733. 2022, vol. 54, iss. 1, p. 234-243.
Norkus, Mantas; Laurikėnas, Andrius; Vištorskaja, Diana; Mažeika, Kęstutis; Baltrūnas, Dalis Antanas; Skaudžius, Ramūnas; Beganskienė, Aldona; Kareiva, Aivaras. Investigation of substitution effects of the first four lanthanides (La, Ce, Pr and Nd) in yttrium iron garnet. Journal of alloys and compounds. ISSN 0925-8388. 2022, vol. 903, art. no. 163978, p. 1-12.
Balčiauskas, Linas; Ežerinskis, Žilvinas; Stirkė, Vitalijus; Balčiauskienė, Laima; Garbaras, Andrius; Remeikis, Vidmantas. The elemental composition of small mammals in a commercial orchard–meadow system. Chemosphere. ISSN 0045-6535. 2022, vol. 296, art. no. 134048, p. 1-9.
Nacys, Antanas; Šimkūnaitė, Dijana; Balčiūnaitė, Aldona; Zabielaitė, Aušrinė; Upskuvienė, Daina; Šebeka, Benjaminas; Jasulaitienė, Vitalija; Kovalevskij, Vitalij; Norkus, Eugenijus; Tamašauskaitė-Tamašiūnaitė, Loreta. An enhanced oxidation of formate on PtNi/Ni foam catalyst in an alkaline medium. Crystals. eISSN 2073-4352. 2022, vol. 12, iss. 3, art. no. 362, p. 1-18.
Jones, Douglas; Ovegård, Maria; Dahlgren, Henrik; Danielsson, Sara; Greger, Maria; Landberg, Tommy; Garbaras, Andrius; ML Karlson, Agnes. A multi-isotope approach to evaluate the potential of great cormorant eggs for contaminant monitoring. Ecological indicators. ISSN 1470-160X. 2022, vol. 136, art. no. 108649, p. 1-8.
Liénart, Camilla; Garbaras, Andrius; Qvarfordt, Susanne; Walve, Jakob; Karlson, Agnes M. L. Spatio-temporal variation in stable isotope and elemental composition of key-species reflect environmental changes in the Baltic Sea. Biogeochemistry. ISSN 0168-2563. 2022, vol. 157, iss. 2, p. 149-170.
Dahl, Martin; Ismail, Rashid; Braun, Sara; Masqué, Pere; Lavery, Paul S.; Gullström, Martin; Arias-Ortiz, Ariane; Asplund, Maria E.; Garbaras, Andrius; Lyimo, Liberatus D.; Mtolera, Matern S.P.; Serrano, Oscar; Webster, Chanelle; Björk, Mats. Impacts of land-use change and urban development on carbon sequestration in tropical seagrass meadow sediments. Marine environmental research. ISSN 0141-1136. 2022, vol. 176, art. no. 105608, p. 1-12.
Remeikis, Vidmantas; Grinevičiūtė, Janina; Duškesas, Grigorijus; Juodis, Laurynas; Plukienė, Rita; Plukis, Artūras. Review of modeling experience during operation and decommissioning of RBMK-1500 reactors. I. Safety improvement studies during operation. Nuclear engineering and design. ISSN 0029-5493. 2021, vol. 380, art. no. 110952, p. 1-14.
Remeikis, Vidmantas; Grinevičiūtė, Janina; Duškesas, Grigorijus; Juodis, Laurynas; Plukienė, Rita; Plukis, Artūras. Review of modeling experience during operation and decommissioning of RBMK-1500 reactors. II. Radioactive waste management. Nuclear engineering and design. ISSN 0029-5493. 2021, vol. 380, art. no. 111242, p. 1-28.
Mažeika, Kęstutis; Reklaitis, Jonas; Nicolenco, Aliona; Vainoris, Modestas; Tsyntsaru, Natalia; Cesiulis, Henrikas. Magnetic state instability of disordered electrodeposited nanogranular Fe films. Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials. ISSN 0304-8853. 2021, vol. 540, art. no. 168433, p. 1-7.
Yao, Peng; Ni, Haiyan; Paul, Dipayan; Mašalaitė-Nalivaikė, Agnė; Huang, Ru-Jin; Meijer, Harro A. J.; Dusek, Ulrike. An automated method for thermal-optical separation of aerosol organic/elemental carbon for C-13 analysis at the sub-μgC level: A comprehensive assessment. Science of the total environment. ISSN 0048-9697. 2022, vol. 804, art.no 150031, p. 1-10.
Khundadze, Nana; Küppers, Christoph; Kammer, Beatrix; Garbaras, Andrius; Mašalaitė-Nalivaikė, Agnė; Wissel, Holger; Lücke, Andreas; Chankvetadze, Bezhan; Rudolph, Jochen; Kiendler-Scharr, Astrid; Gensch, Iulia. Benchmarking source specific isotopic ratios of levoglucosan to better constrain the contribution of domestic heating to the air pollution. Atmospheric environment. ISSN 1352-2310. 2022, vol. 268, art. no. 118842, p. 1-9.
Garbarienė, Inga; Dudoitis, Vadimas; Ulevičius, Vidmantas; Plauškaitė-Šukienė, Kristina; Kilikevičius, Artūras; Matijošius, Jonas; Rimkus, Alfredas; Kilikevičienė, Kristina; Vainorius, Darius; Maknickas, Algirdas; Borodinas, Sergejus; Byčenkienė, Steigvilė. Application of acoustic agglomeration technology to improve the removal of submicron particles from vehicle exhaust. Symmetry. ISSN 2073-8994. 2021, vol. 13, iss. 7, art. no. 1200, p. 1-15.
Barisevičiūtė, Rūta; Maceika, Evaldas; Juodis, Laurynas; Pabedinskas, Algirdas; Šapolaitė, Justina; Ežerinskis, Žilvinas; Butkus, Laurynas; Remeikis, Vidmantas. Modeling of 14C vertical distribution in bottom sediments of the Ignalina nuclear power plant cooling reservoir. Water. eISSN 2073-4441. 2021, vol. 13, iss. 10, art. no. 1397, p. 1-15.
Balčiauskas, Linas; Skipitytė, Raminta; Garbaras, Andrius; Stirkė, Vitalijus; Balčiauskienė, Laima; Remeikis, Vidmantas. Stable isotopes reveal the dominant species to have thewidest trophic niche of three syntopic Microtus voles. Animals. ISSN 2076-2615. 2021, vol. 11, iss. 6, art. no. 1814, p. 1-14.
Balčiauskas, Linas; Balčiauskienė, Laima; Garbaras, Andrius; Stirkė, Vitalijus. Diversity and diet differences of small mammals in commensal habitats. Diversity. ISSN 1424-2818. 2021, vol. 13, iss. 8, art. no. 346, p. 1-13.
Griesiūtė, Diana; Sinušaitė, Lauryna; Kizalaitė, Agnė; Antuzevics, Andris; Mažeika, Kęstutis; Baltrūnas, Dalis Antanas; Tomoyo, Goto; Sekino, Tohru; Kareiva, Aivaras; Žarkov, Aleksej. The influence of Fe3+ doping on thermally induced crystallization and phase evolution of amorphous calcium phosphate. CrystEngComm. eISSN 1466-8033. 2021, vol. 23, iss. 26, p. 4627-4637.
Karpinsky, D.V.; Silibin, M.V.; Zhaludkevich, D.V.; Latushka, S.I.; Sysa, A.V.; Sikolenko, V.V.; Zhaludkevich, A.L.; Khomchenko, V.A.; Franz, A.; Mažeika, Kęstutis; Baltrūnas, Dalis Antanas; Kareiva, Aivaras. Magnetic properties of BiFeO3 – BaTiO3 ceramics in the morphotropic phase boundary: A role of crystal structure and structural parameters. Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials. ISSN 0304-8853. 2021, vol. 539, art. no. 168409, p. 1-7.
Karoblis, Dovydas; Diliautas, Ramūnas; Mažeika, Kęstutis; Baltrūnas, Dalis Antanas; Niaura, Gediminas; Talaikis, Martynas; Beganskienė, Aldona; Žarkov, Aleksej; Kareiva, Aivaras. Lanthanum and manganese Co-doping effects on structural, morphological, and magnetic properties of sol-gel derived BiFeO3. Materials. ISSN 1996-1944. 2021, vol. 14, iss. 17, art. no. 4844, p. 1-12.
Balčiauskas, Linas; Skipitytė, Raminta; Garbaras, Andrius; Stirkė, Vitalijus; Balciauskiene, Laima; Remeikis, Vidmantas. Isotopic niche of syntopic granivores in commercial orchards and meadows. Animals. ISSN 2076-2615. 2021, vol. 11, iss. 8, art. no. 2375, p. 1-13.
Stepšys, Augustinas; Mickevičius, Saulius; Germanas, Darius; Kalinauskas, Ramutis Kazys. Calculation of five-particle harmonic-oscillator transformation brackets. Computer physics communications. ISSN 0010-4655. 2021, vol. 265, art. no. 108023, p. 1-6.
Karoblis, Dovydas; Žarkov, Aleksej; Mažeika, Kęstutis; Baltrūnas, Dalis Antanas; Niaura, Gediminas; Beganskienė, Aldona; Kareiva, Aivaras. YFeO3-GdFeO3 solid solutions: Sol-gel synthesis, structural and magnetic properties. Solid state sciences. ISSN 1293-2558.2021, vol. 118, art. no. 106632, p. 1-8.
Mažeika, Kęstutis; Šiliauskas, Laurynas; Skridlaitė, Gražina; Matelis, Antanas; Garjonytė, Rasa; Paškevičius, Algimantas; Melvydas, Vytautas Boleslovas. Features of iron accumulation at high concentration in pulcherrimin-producing Metschnikowia yeast biomass. Journal of biological inorganic chemistry. ISSN 0949-8257. 2021, vol. 26, iss. 2-3, p. 299-311.
Politi, Tobia; Barisevičiūte, Rūta; Bartoli, Marco; Bonaglia, Stefano; Cardini, Ulisse; Castaldelli, Giuseppe; Kančauskaitė, Akvilė; Marzocchi, Ugo; Petkuviene, Jolita; Samuiloviene, Aurelija; Vybernaite-Lubiene, Irma; Zaiko, Anastasija; Zilius, Mindaugas. A bioturbator, a holobiont, and a vector: the multifaceted role of Chironomus plumosus in shaping N‐cycling. Freshwater biology. ISSN 0046-5070. 2021, vol. 66, no. 6, p. 1036-1048.
Diliautas, Ramūnas; Beganskienė, Aldona; Karoblis, Dovydas; Mažeika, Kęstutis; Baltrūnas, Dalis Antanas; Žarkov, Aleksej; Raudonis, Rimantas; Kareiva, Aivaras. Reinspection of formation of BiFe1-xMnxO3 solid solutions via low temperature sol-gel synthesis route. Solid state sciences. ISSN 1293-2558. 2021, vol. 111, art. n. 106458, p. 1-6.
Gorokhova, Elena; El-Shehawy, Rehab; Lehtiniemi, Maiju; Garbaras, Andrius. How copepods can eat toxins without getting sick: gut bacteria help zooplankton to feed in cyanobacteria blooms. Frontiers in microbiology. eISSN 1664-302X. 2021, vol. 11, art. no. 589816, p. 1-11.
Novickij, Vitalij; Stanevičienė, Ramunė; Gruškienė, Rūta; Badokas, Kazimieras; Lukša, Juliana; Sereikaitė, Jolanta; Mažeika, Kęstutis; Višniakov, Nikolaj; Novickij, Jurij; Servienė, Elena. Inactivation of bacteria using bioactive nanoparticles and alternating magnetic fields. Nanomaterials. ISSN 2079-4991. 2021, vol. 11, iss. 2, art. no. 342, p. 1-16.
Karoblis, Dovydas; Žarkov, Aleksej; Garškaitė, Edita; Mažeika, Kęstutis; Baltrūnas, Dalis Antanas; Niaura, Gediminas; Beganskienė, Aldona; Kareiva, Aivaras. Study of gadolinium substitution effects in hexagonal yttrium manganite YMnO3. Scientific reports. eISSN 2045-2322. 2021, vol. 11, art. no. 2875, p. 1-14.
Montvydienė, Danguolė; Jagminas, Arūnas; Jurgelėnė, Živilė; Kazlauskas, Mindaugas; Butrimienė, Renata; Žukauskaitė, Zita; Kazlauskienė, Nijolė. Toxicological effects of different-sized Co–Fe (CoFe2O4) nanoparticles on Lepidium sativum L.: towards better understanding of nanophytotoxicity. Ecotoxicology. ISSN 0963-9292. 2021, vol. 30, iss. 2, p. 277-291.
Januškevičius, Justinas; Stankevičiūtė, Živilė; Baltrūnas, Dalis Antanas; Mažeika, Kęstutis; Beganskienė, Aldona; Kareiva, Aivaras. Aqueous sol-gel synthesis of different iron ferrites: from 3D to 2D. Materials. eISSN 1996-1944. 2021, vol. 14, art. no. 1554, p. 1-12.
Linauskienė, Kotryna; Dahlin, Jacob; Ežerinskis, Žilvinas; Isaksson, Marlene; Šapolaitė, Justina; Malinauskienė, Laura. Occupational exposure to nickel, cobalt, and chromium in the Lithuanian hard metal industry. Contact dermatitis. ISSN 0105-1873. 2021, vol. 84, no. 4, p. 247-253.
Liénart, Camilla; Garbaras, Andrius; Qvarfordt, Susanne; Sysoev, Anton Öberg; Höglander, Helena; Walve, Jakob; Schagerström, Ellen; Eklöf, Johan; Karlson, Agnes ML. Long‐term changes in trophic ecology of blue mussels in a rapidly changing ecosystem. Limnology and oceanography. ISSN 0024-3590. 2021, vol. 66, iss. 3, p. 694-710.
Karoblis, Dovydas; Diliautas, Ramūnas; Raudonytė-Svirbutavičienė, Eva; Mažeika, Kęstutis; Baltrūnas, Dalis Antanas; Beganskienė, Aldona; Žarkov, Aleksej; Kareiva, Aivaras. The synthesis and characterization of sol-gel-derived SrTiO3-BiMnO3 solid solutions. Crystals. ISSN 2073-4352. 2020, vol. 10, iss. 12, art. no. 1125, p. 1-11.
Jorudas, Justinas; Šimukovič, Artūr; Dub, Maksym; Sakowicz, Maciej; Prystawko, Paweł; Indrišiūnas, Simonas; Kovalevskij, Vitalij; Rumyantsev, Sergey; Knap, Wojciech; Kašalynas, Irmantas. AlGaN/GaN on SiC devices without a GaN buffer layer: electrical and noise characteristics. Micromachines. ISSN 2072-666X. 2020, vol. 11, iss. 12, art. no. 1131, p. 1-13.
Diliautas, Ramūnas; Beganskienė, Aldona; Karoblis, Dovydas; Mažeika, Kęstutis; Baltrūnas, Dalis Antanas; Žarkov, Aleksej; Raudonis, Rimantas; Kareiva, Aivaras. Reinspection of formation of BiFe1-xMnxO3 solid solutions via low temperature sol-gel synthesis route. Solid state sciences. ISSN 1293-2558. 2021, vol. 111, art. n. 106458, p. 1-6.
Gorokhova, Elena; El-Shehawy, Rehab; Lehtiniemi, Maiju; Garbaras, Andrius. How copepods can eat toxins without getting sick: gut bacteria help zooplankton to feed in cyanobacteria blooms. Frontiers in microbiology. eISSN 1664-302X. 2021, vol. 11, art. no. 589816, p. 1-11.
Novickij, Vitalij; Stanevičienė, Ramunė; Gruškienė, Rūta; Badokas, Kazimieras; Lukša, Juliana; Sereikaitė, Jolanta; Mažeika, Kęstutis; Višniakov, Nikolaj; Novickij, Jurij; Servienė, Elena. Inactivation of bacteria using bioactive nanoparticles and alternating magnetic fields. Nanomaterials. ISSN 2079-4991. 2021, vol. 11, iss. 2, art. no. 342, p. 1-16.
Karoblis, Dovydas; Mažeika, Kęstutis; Baltrūnas, Dalis Antanas; Lukowiak, Anna; Strek, Wieslaw; Žarkov, Aleksej; Kareiva, Aivaras. Novel synthetic approach to the preparation of single-phase BixLa1−xMnO3+δ solid solutions. Journal of sol-gel science and technology. ISSN 0928-0707. 2020, vol. 93, p. 650-656.
Mašalaitė-Nalivaikė, Agnė; Remeikis, Vidmantas; Zenker, K.; Westra, I.; Meijer, H.A.J.; Dusek, U. Seasonal changes of sources and volatility of carbonaceous aerosol at urban, coastal and forest sites in Eastern Europe (Lithuania). Atmospheric environment. ISSN 1352-2310. 2020, vol. 225, art. no. 117374, p. 1-11.
Zenker, Katrin; Sirignano, Carmina; Riccio, Angelo; Chianese, Elena; Calfapietra, Carlo; Prati, Maria Vittoria; Mašalaitė-Nalivaikė, Agnė; Remeikis, Vidmantas; Mook, Emily; Meijer, Harro A.J.; Dusek, Ulrike. δ13 C signatures of organic aerosols: Measurement method evaluation and application in a source study. Journal of aerosol science. ISSN 0021-8502. 2020, vol.145, art. no. 105534, p. 1-14.
Prokopčiuk, Nina; Franck, Ulrich; Dudoitis, Vadimas; Tarasyuk, Nikolay; Juškienė, Izabelė; Valiulis, Arūnas; Čepuraitė, Daiva; Štaras, Kęstutis; Ulevičius, Vidmantas. On the seasonal aerosol pollution levels and its sources in some primary schools in Vilnius, Lithuania. Environmental science and pollution research. ISSN 0944-1344. 2020, vol. 27, iss. 13, p. 15592-15606.
Sinušaitė, Lauryna; Popov, Anton; Antuzevics, Andris; Mažeika, Kęstutis; Baltrūnas, Dalis Antanas; Yang, Jen-Chang; Horng, Jiun Lin; Shi, Shengfang; Sekino, Tohru; Ishikawa, Kunio; Kareiva, Aivaras; Žarkov, Aleksej. Fe and Zn co-substituted beta-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP): Synthesis, structural, magnetic, mechanical and biological properties. Materials science & engineering C: materials for biological applications. ISSN 0928-4931. 2020, vol. 112, art. no. 110918, p. 1-10.
Karoblis, Dovydas; Žarkov, Aleksej; Mažeika, Kęstutis; Baltrūnas, Dalis Antanas; Niaura, Gediminas; Beganskienė, Aldona; Kareiva, Aivaras. Sol-gel synthesis, structural, morphological and magnetic properties of BaTiO3–BiMnO3 solid solutions. Ceramics international. ISSN 0272-8842. 2020, vol. 46, no 10, part B, p. 16459-16464.
Konkel, Robert; Toruńska-Sitarz, Anna; Cegłowska, Marta; Ežerinskis, Žilvinas; Šapolaitė, Justina; Mažeika, Jonas; Mazur-Marzec, Hanna. Blooms of toxic cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena in Norwegian fjords during Holocene warm periods. Toxins. eISSN 2072-6651. 2020, vol. 12, iss. 4, art. no. 257, p. 1-12.
Pakalniškis, Andrius; Baltrūnas, Dalis Antanas; Mažeika, Kęstutis; Skaudžius, Ramūnas; Ramanauskas, Rimantas; Kareiva, Aivaras. Reinspection of low temperature synthesis of bulk Bi3Fe5O12 (BIG): An aqueous sol-gel processing. Materials chemistry and physics. ISSN 0254-0584. eISSN 1879-3312. 2020, vol. 253, art. no. 123283, p. 1-6.
Rakauskas, Vytautas; Šidagytė-Copilas, Eglė; Stakėnas, Saulius; Garbaras, Andrius. Invasive Neogobius melanostomus in the Lithuanian Baltic Sea coast: Trophic role and impact on the diet of piscivorous fish. Journal of Great Lakes research. ISSN 0380-1330. 2020, vol. 46, iss. 3, p. 597-608.
Garbarienė, I.; Garbaras, A.; Masalaite, A.; Ceburnis, D.; Krugly, E.; Kauneliene, V.; Remeikis, V.; Martuzevicius, D. Identification of wintertime carbonaceous fine particulate matter (PM2.5) sources in Kaunas, Lithuania using polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and stable carbon isotope analysis. Atmospheric Environment. ISSN 1352-2310. 2020, Vol. 237, art. no. 117673, p. 1-9.
Remeikis, Vidmantas; Plukienė, Rita; Plukis, Artūras; Barkauskas, Vytenis; Gudelis, Arūnas; Druteikienė, Rūta; Gvozdaitė, Rasa; Juodis, Laurynas; Duškesas, Grigorijus; Lagzdina, Elena; Germanas, Darius; Ridikas, D.; Krutovcov, S. Characterisation of RBMK-1500 graphite: A method to identify the neutron activation and surface contamination terms. Nuclear engineering and design. ISSN 0029-5493. 2020, vol. 361, art. no. 110501, p. 1-10.
Barisevičiūtė, Rūta; Maceika, Evaldas; Ežerinskis, Žilvinas; Šapolaitė, Justina; Butkus, Laurynas; Mažeika, Jonas; Rakauskas, Vytautas; Juodis, Laurynas; Steponėnas, Andrius; Druteikienė, Rūta; Remeikis, Vidmantas. Distribution of radiocarbon in sediments of the cooling pond of RBMK type Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant in Lithuania. PloS one. eISSN 1932-6203. 2020, vol. 15, no. 8, art. no. e0237605, p. 1-14.
Šimėnas, Mantas; Balčiūnas, Sergejus; Wilson, Jacob N.; Svirskas, Šarūnas; Kinka, Martynas; Garbaras, Andrius; Kalendra, Vidmantas; Gagor, Anna; Szewczyk, Daria; Sieradzki, Adam; Maczka, Miroslaw; Samulionis, Vytautas; Walsh, Aron; Grigalaitis, Robertas; Banys, Jūras. Suppression of phase transitions and glass phase signatures in mixed cation halide perovskites. Nature communications.eISSN 2041-1723. 2020, vol. 11, art. no. 5103, p. 1-9.
Ledesma, Matias; Gorokhova, Elena; Holmstrand, Henry; Garbaras, Andrius; Karlson, Agnes M.L. Nitrogen isotope composition of amino acids reveals trophic partitioning in two sympatric amphipods. Ecology and evolution. ISSN 2045-7758. 2020, vol. 10, iss. 19, p. 10773-10784.
Karoblis, Dovydas; Griesiūtė, Diana; Mažeika, Kęstutis; Baltrūnas, Dalis Antanas; Karpinsky, Dmitry; Lukowiak, Anna; Gluchowski, Pawel; Raudonis, Rimantas; Katelnikovas, Artūras; Žarkov, Aleksej; Kareiva, Aivaras. A Facile Synthesis and Characterization of Highly Crystalline Submicro-Sized BiFeO3. Materials. ISSN 1996-1944. 2020, vol. 13, iss. 13, art. no. 3035, p. 1-10.
Mordas, Genrik; Jasulaitienė, Vitalija; Steponavičiūtė, Ada; Gaspariūnas, Mindaugas; Petkevič, Romuald; Selskienė, Aušra; Juškėnas, Remigijus; Paul, Dennis F.; Mann, Jennifer E.; Remeikis, Vidmantas; Račiukaitis, Gediminas. Characterisation of CoCrMo powder for additive manufacturing. The international journal of advanced manufacturing technology. ISSN 0268-3768. 2020, vol. 111, iss. 11-12, p. 3083-3093.
Rimkus, Tomas; Ežerinskis, Žilvinas; Šapolaitė, Justina; Peseckas, Kęstutis. Mesolithic AMS 14C evidence on microlithic and pressure blade technology in the lakeland of eastern Lithuania. Lithic technology. ISSN 0197-7261. 2020, vol. 45, no. 4, p. 215-226.
Karoblis, Dovydas; Diliautas, Ramūnas; Raudonytė-Svirbutavičienė, Eva; Mažeika, Kęstutis; Baltrūnas, Dalis Antanas; Beganskienė, Aldona; Žarkov, Aleksej; Kareiva, Aivaras. The synthesis and characterization of sol-gel-derived SrTiO3-BiMnO3 solid solutions. Crystals. ISSN 2073-4352. 2020, vol. 10, iss. 12, art. no. 1125, p. 1-11.
Juodis, Laurynas; Maceika, Evaldas; Plukis, Artūras; Dacquait, Frédéric; Genin, Jean-Baptiste; Benier, Gilles. Assessment of radioactive contamination in primary circuit of WWER-440 type reactors by computer code OSCAR for the decommissioning case. Progress in nuclear energy. ISSN 0149-1970. 2019, vol. 110, p. 191-198.
Stepšys, Augustinas; Mickevičius, Saulius; Germanas, Darius; Kalinauskas, Ramutis Kazys. Calculation of orbital fractional parentage coefficients for five particles in translationally invariant basis. Computer physics communications. ISSN 0010-4655. 2019, vol. 236, p. 26-33.
Uogintė, Ieva; Lujanienė, Galina; Mažeika, Kęstutis. Study of Cu (II), Co (II), Ni (II) and Pb (II) removal from aqueous solutions using magnetic Prussian blue nano-sorbent. Journal of hazardous materials. ISSN 0304-3894. 2019, vol. 369, p. 226-235.
Garbaras, Andrius; Skipitytė, Raminta; Šapolaitė, Justina; Ežerinskis, Žilvinas; Remeikis, Vidmantas. Seasonal variation in stable isotope ratios of cow milk in Vilnius region, Lithuania. Animals. ISSN 2076-2615. 2019, vol. 9, iss. 3, art. no. 69, p. 1-14.
Balčiauskas, Linas; Skipitytė, Raminta; Balčiauskienė, Laima; Jasiulionis, Marius. Resource partitioning confirmed by isotopic signatures allows small mammals to share seasonally flooded meadows. Ecology and evolution. ISSN 2045-7758. 2019, vol. 9, iss. 9, p. 5479-5489.
Ek, Caroline; Garbaras, Andrius; Yu, Zhenyang; Oskarsson, Hanna; Eriksson Wiklund, Ann-Kristin; Kumblad, Linda; Gorokhova, Elena. Increase in stable isotope ratios driven by metabolic alterations in amphipods exposed to the beta-blocker propranolol. PLoS One. ISSN 1932-6203. 2019, vol. 14, iss. 5, art. no. e0211304, p. 1-17.
Čeponis, Tomas; Badokas, Kazimieras; Deveikis, Laimonas; Pavlov, Jevgenij; Rumbauskas, Vytautas; Kovalevskij, Vitalij; Stanionytė, Sandra; Tamulaitis, Gintautas; Gaubas, Eugenijus. Evolution of scintillation and electrical characteristics of AlGaN double-response sensors during proton irradiation. Sensors. eISSN 1424-8220. 2019, vol. 19, iss. 15, art. no. 3388, p. 1-11.
Zguna, Nadezda; Karlson, Agnes M. L.; Ilag, Leopold L.; Garbaras, Andrius; Gorokhova, Elena. Insufficient evidence for BMAA transfer in the pelagic and benthic food webs in the Baltic Sea. Scientific reports. eISSN 2045-2322. 2019, vol. 9, art. no. 10406, p. 1-11.
Robson, Harry Kenneth; Skipitytė, Raminta; Piličiauskienė, Giedrė; Lucquin, Alexandre; Heron, Carl; Craig, Oliver; Piličiauskas, Gytis. Diet, cuisine and consumption practices of the first farmers in the southeastern Baltic. Archaeological and anthropological sciences. ISSN 1866-9557. 2019, vol. 11, no. 8, p. 4011-4024.
Podlipskas, Žydrūnas; Jurkevičius, Jonas; Kadys, Arūnas; Kolenda, Marek; Kovalevskij, Vitalij; Dobrovolskas, Darius; Aleksiejūnas, Ramūnas; Tamulaitis, Gintautas. Extreme radiation resistance in InN. Journal of alloys and compounds. ISSN 0925-8388. 2019, vol. 789, p. 48-55.
Mekys, Algirdas; Jurkevičius, Jonas; Kadys, Arūnas; Kolenda, Marek; Kovalevskij, Vitalij; Tamulaitis, Gintautas. Influence of proton irradiation on carrier mobility in InN epitaxial layers. Thin solid films. ISSN 0040-6090. 2019, vol. 692, art. no. 137619, p. 1-7.
Badorreck, Holger; Steinecke, Morten; Jensen, Lars; Ristau, Detlev; Jupé, Marco; Müller, Jérôme; Tonneau, Romain; Moskovkin, Pavel; Lucas, Stephane; Pflug, Andreas; Grinevičiūtė, Lina; Selskis, Algirdas; Tolenis, Tomas.. Correlation of structural and optical properties using virtual materials analysis. Optics express. ISSN 1094-4087. 2019, vol. 27, no. 16, p. 22209-22225.
Grinevičiūtė, Lina; Babayigit, Ceren; Gailevičius, Darius; Bor, Emre; Turduev, Mirbek; Purlys, Vytautas; Tolenis, Tomas; Kurt, Hamza; Staliunas, Kestutis. Angular filtering by Bragg photonic microstructures fabricated by physical vapour deposition. Applied surface science. ISSN 0169-4332. 2019, vol. 481, p. 353-359.
Ananyevskaya, Elina; Aytgaly, A.K.; Beisenov, A.Z.; Dmitriev, E.A.; Garbaras, Andrius; Kukushkin, I.A.; Loman, V.G.; Šapolaitė, Justina; Usmanova, E.R.; Varfolomeev, V.V.; Voyakin, D.A.; Zhuniskhanov, A.S.; Keen, Giedrė [Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė, Giedrė] Early indicators to C4 plant consumption in central Kazakhstan during the Final Bronze Age and Early Iron Age based on stable isotope analysis of human and animal bone collagen. Archaeological research in Asia. Oxford : Elsevier Science. 2018, vol. 15, p. 157-173.
Andriukonis, Eivydas; Stirkė, Arūnas; Garbaras, Andrius; Mikoliūnaitė, Lina; Ramanavičienė, Almira; Remeikis, Vidmantas; Thornton, Barry; Ramanavičius, Arūnas Yeast-assisted synthesis of polypyrrole: Quantification and influence on the mechanical properties of the cell wall. Colloids and surfaces B: Biointerfaces. Amsterdam : Elsevier Science BV. 2018, Vol. 164, p. 224-231.
Bliujienė, Audronė; Matulaitienė, Ieva; Garbaras, Andrius; Šapolaitė, Justina; Ežerinskis, Žilvinas; Ulozaitė, Regina; Bračiulienė, Ramunė Dietary aspects of the West Lithuanian people during the Late Roman and Early Migration periods with reference to household and funerary pottery. Praehistorische Zeitschrift. Berlin : De Gruyter. 2018, vol. 93, iss. 1, p. 144-165.
Ek, Caroline; Holmstrand, Henry; Mustajärvi, Lukas; Garbaras, Andrius; Barisevičiūtė, Rūta; Šapolaitė, Justina; Sobek, Anna; Gorokhova, Elena; Karlson, Agnes M. L. Using compound-specific and bulk stable isotope analysis for trophic positioning of bivalves in contaminated Baltic Sea Sediments. Environmental science & technology. Washington : American Chemical Society. 2018, Vol. 52, iss. 8, p. 4861-4868.
Ežerinskis, Žilvinas; Šapolaitė, Justina; Pabedinskas, Algirdas; Juodis, Laurynas; Garbaras, Andrius; Maceika, Evaldas; Druteikienė, Rūta; Lukauskas, Darius; Remeikis, Vidmantas Annual variations of 14C concentration in the tree rings in the vicinity of Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant. Radiocarbon. Tucson : University of Arizona. 2018, vol. 60, no. 4, p. 1227-1236.
Garankin, Jevgenij; Plukis, Artūras; Plukienė, Rita; Lagzdina, Elena; Remeikis, Vidmantas Identification of particles of ionizing radiation by the analysis of fluorescence pulse form of the thin pen film scintillator. IEEE transactions on nuclear science. New York : IEEE. 2018, vol. 65, iss. 2, p. 739-743.
Garbaras, Andrius; Šapolaitė, Justina; Garbarienė, Inga; Ežerinskis, Žilvinas; Mašalaitė-Nalivaikė, Agnė; Skipitytė, Raminta; Plukis, Artūras; Remeikis, Vidmantas Aerosol source (biomass, traffic and coal emission) apportionment in Lithuania using stable carbon and radiocarbon analysis. Isotopes in environmental and health studies. London : Taylor & Francis Group. 2018, vol. 54, no. 5, p. 463-474.
Garbaras, Andrius; Skipitytė, Raminta; Meliaschenia, A.; Senchenko, T.; Smoliak, T.; Ivanko, M.; Šapolaitė, Justina; Ežerinskis, Žilvinas; Remeikis, Vidmantas Region dependent ¹³C, ¹⁵N, ¹⁸O isotope ratios in the cow milk. Lithuanian journal of physics. Vilnius : Lietuvos mokslų akademijos leidykla. 2018, vol. 58, no. 3, p. 277-282.
Karlson, Agnes M. L.; Reutgard, Martin; Garbaras, Andrius; Gorokhova, Elena Isotopic niche reflects stress-induced variability in physiological status. Royal Society Open Science. London : The Royal Society. 2018, Vol. 5, iss. 2, art. no 171398, p. 1-18.
Lingis, Danielius; Lagzdina, Elena; Plukis, Artūras; Plukienė, Rita; Remeikis, Vidmantas Evaluation of the primary displacement damage in the neutron irradiated RBMK-1500 graphite. Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research. Section B: Beam interactions with materials and atoms. Amsterdam : Elsevier Science B.V. 2018, vol. 436, p. 9-17.
Mašalaitė-Nalivaikė, Agnė; Holzinger, R.; Čeburnis, Darius; Remeikis, Vidmantas; Ulevičius, Vidmantas; Röckmann, T.; Dusek, U. Sources and atmospheric processing of size segregated aerosol particles revealed by stable carbon isotope ratios and chemical speciation. Environmental pollution. Oxford : Elsevier. 2018, Vol. 240, p. 286-296.
Piličiauskas, Gytis; Asheichyk, Vitali; Osipowicz, Grzegorz; Skipitytė, Raminta; Varul, Liivi; Kozakaitė, Justina; Kryvaltsevich, Mikоla; Vaitovich, Aliaksandra; Lakiza, Vadzim; Šapolaitė, Justina; Ežerinskis, Žilvinas; Pamazanau, Mikalai; Lucquin, Alexandre; Craig, Oliver E.; Robson, Harry K. The Corded Ware culture in the Eastern Baltic: New evidence on chronology, diet, beaker, bone and flint tool function. Journal of archaeological science: reports. Amsterdam : Elsevier Science. 2018, vol. 21, p. 538-552.
Plukienė, Rita; Lagzdina, Elena; Juodis, Laurynas; Plukis, Artūras; Puzas, Andrius; Gvozdaitė, Rasa; Remeikis, Vidmantas; Révay, Zsolt; Kučera, Jan; Ancius, Darius; Ridikas, Danas Investigation of impurities of RBMK graphite by different methods. Radiocarbon. Tucson : University of Arizona. 2018, vol. 60, no. 6, p. 1861-1870.
Plukienė, Rita; Plukis, Artūras; Juodis, Laurynas; Remeikis, Vidmantas; Šalkauskas, Ovidijus; Ridikas, D.; Gudowski, W. Transmutation considerations of LWR and RBMK spent nuclear fuel by the fusion–fission hybrid system. Nuclear engineering and design. Lausanne : Elsevier B.V. 2018, vol. 330, p. 241-249.
Plukis, Artūras; Barkauskas, Vytenis; Druteikienė, Rūta; Duškesas, Grigorijus; Germanas, Darius; Gudelis, Arūnas; Juodis, Laurynas; Lagzdina, Elena; Plukienė, Rita; Remeikis, Vidmantas Uncertainty of determination of 158Tb in the RBMK nuclear reactor waste. Applied radiation and isotopes. Oxford : Elsevier Ltd. 2018, Vol. 134, p. 190-193.
Rakauskas, Vytautas; Šidagytė-Copilas, Eglė; Butkus, Rokas; Garbaras, Andrius Effect of the invasive New Zealand mud snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum) on the littoral macroinvertebrate community in a temperate mesotrophic lake / Vytautas Rakauskas ... [et al.]. Marine and freshwater research. Clayton : CSIRO Publishing. 2018, Vol. 69, iss.1, p. 155-166.
Raudoniūtė, Jovilė [Raudoniute, Jovile]; Stasiulaitienė, Inga [Stasiulaitiene, Inga]; Kulvinskiene, Ieva; Bagdonas, Edvardas; Garbaras, Andrius; Krugly, Edvinas; Martuzevičius, Dainius [Martuzevicius, Dainius]; Bironaitė, Daiva [Bironaite, Daiva]; Aldonytė, Rūta [Aldonyte, Ruta] Pro-inflammatory effects of extracted urban fine particulate matter on human bronchial epithelial cells BEAS-2B. Environmental science and pollution research. Berlin : Springer. 2018, vol. 25, iss. 32, SI, p. 32277-32291.
Remeikis, Vidmantas; Lagzdina, Elena; Garbaras, Andrius; Gudelis, Arūnas; Garankin, Jevgenij; Plukienė, Rita; Juodis, Laurynas; Duškesas, Grigorijus; Lingis, Danielius; Abdulajev, Vladimir; Plukis, Artūras Rapid analysis method for the determination of 14C specific activity in irradiated graphite. PLoS ONE. San Francisco, CA : Public library of science. 2018, vol. 13, iss. 1, art. no. e0191677, p. 1-16.
Venckutė-Aleksienė, Agnė; Spiridonov, Andrej; Garbaras, Andrius; Radzevičius, Sigitas Integrated foraminifera and δ13C stratigraphy across the Cenomanian–Turonian event interval in the eastern Baltic (Lithuania). Swiss journal of geosciences. Basel : Springer. 2018, vol. 111, iss. 1-2, p. 341-352.